MK 2 NOSE-GEAR-LAUNCH SYSTEMThe nose-gear-launch (NGL) equipmentdesigned to assist in the launching of aircraftproviding a positive and automatic meansisbyofattaching the aircraft launch bar to the catapultshuttle and spreader.This means of aircraft“hookup” enhances flight deck safety by minimizingthe number of catapult personnel required to benear the aircraft during launching operations. Themajor components of the Mk 2 NGL system includethe flush-deck guide track, slide assembly, actuatorreset assembly, shuttle spreader, and buffer cylinderassembly. These components and their operationarc discussed in the following paragraphs.NOSE-GEAR-LAUNCH GUIDE TRACKThe flush-deck track (fig. 5-10), which guides theaircraft launch bar into engagement with thecatapult shuttle spreader assembly, has an approachtrack, buffer-cylinder track, aft slide-access track,forward slide-access track, and a forward track. Theapproach track contains a V-shaped mouth to easeengagement of the launch bar and guide it into thetrack.As the aircraft moves forward, the launch barslides in grooves constructed in each track. Inserts,to provide a caroming surface, are installed in boththe forward slide-access track and the forward track.These inserts ensure that the aircraft launch barmakes positive contact with the buffer hook actuatorroller and that the launch bar is guided properlyinto the spreader assembly. A track seal is installedduring bridle-launch operations and when thecatapult is not operating.NOSE-GEAR-LAUNCH SLIDEThe slide assembly (fig. 5-11) consists of a bodyto which are mounted rollers, which reduce frictionduring forward and aft movement of the assembly;the buffer hook, which engages the aircrafthold-back bar; and the buffer-hook actuatorassembly.The slide assembly is mechanicallyconnected to the buffer-cylinder piston rods by threelinks.During operation, as the aircraft moves fomward,the launch bar, sliding in the track-guide grooves,contacts the buffer-hook-actuator-assembly roller,forcing it to rotate forward and down. Thebuffer-hook actuator lever, on which the roller isassembled, is forced against the underside of thebuffer hook. This action raises the buffer hook intoFigure 5-10.—Nose-gear-launch guide track.5-12
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