9. Disassemble the trunnion bearing. Examine
the bearing set for wear, and replace it if necessary.
Reassemble the linkage as follows:
1. Connect the clevis and crank assembly.
2. Connect the link to the panel.
3. Connect the link to the arm assembly.
Check over-center locking as follows:
1. Move the linkage over-center until the arm
assembly and the link are locked in over-center
2. The piston of the hydraulic cylinder should
be within 1/2 inch of the bottom. If it is not, turn
the clevis on the threaded piston rod to obtain the
required measurement.
Most problems that occur on JBDs can be
recognized as
a failure of one of three
systemsnamely, hydraulic, electrical, or water.
that allows
maintenance personnel to locate the source of
problems or equipment failure is found in the JBD
technical manual, in
the section
The energy required to operate the JBD is
supplied by fluid under pressure; therefore, when
operating with fluid under pressure, observe
standard safety precautions that apply.
All moving parts and equipment should be
checked for rags, tools, or other foreign material
before operating any of the machinery. Only
qualified operators shall be allowed to operate the
blast deflector.
The parking of aircraft on the deflector panel
should be avoided. The panels are designed to
withstand only the temporary weight of the aircraft
taxiing over them.
When you perform maintenance on the JBD,
comply with the safety precautions listed on the
Personnel and equipment shall be clear of the
JBD machinery enclosure and depressed deck when
the panels are being raised or lowered.
includes the times when the panels are being
operated during preoperational inspections and
maintenance or overhaul tests and inspections.
Each type or series of aircraft requires a specific
hookup configuration. It is essential that the right
hookup procedures and equipment are used for
each aircraft. The following list contains some of
the most important bulletins available that list the
requirements for proper hookup procedures and
usage of various accessories:
1. Catapult Deck Gear Accessories Service
Bulletin 226.
This bulletin serves as a guide for the proper
hookup procedures for all carrier-based aircraft.
Included are photographs, supplemented by
pertinent hookup instructions, and hookup
discrepancies to be avoided.
2. Catapult Deck Gear Accessories Service
Bulletin 235.
This bulletin contains information concerning
proper lanyard configurations and attachment
instructions for all bridle/pendants used with the Mk
2 and Mk 4 bridle arresters.
3. Aircraft Launching Bulletin 0-12.
This bulletin contains information concerning
the various accessories used in launching aircraft. It
consists of usage requirements and limitations on all
launching accessories.
It is imperative that the correct deck gear be
used to ensure safe launching operations. In
addition, certain inspections must be performed to
ensure that the equipment meets the inspection
criteria established by the applicable MRCs.