tool consists of a split die block, which has holes for
3/16-, 1/4-, 5/16-, 3/8-, 7/16-, and 1/2-inch OD tubing;
a clamp to lock the tube in the die block; and a yoke,
which slips over the die block and has a compressor
screw and a cone that forms a 45-degree flare or a
bell shape on the end of the tube. The screw has a
T-handle. A double flaring tool has the additional
feature of adapters, which turn in the edge of the tube
before a regular 45-degree double flare is made. It
consists of a die block with holes for 3/16-, 1/4-,
5/16-, 3/8-, and 1/2-inch tubing; a yoke with a screw
and a flaring cone; plus five adapters for different size
tubing, all carried in a metal case.
A screwdriver is one of the most basic of
handtools. It is also the most frequently abused of all
hand tools. It is designed for one function only to
drive and to remove screws.
not be used as a pry bar, a
There are three main
A screwdriver should
scraper, a chisel, or a
parts to a standard
The portion you grip is called the
handle, the steel portion extending from the handle is
the shank, and the end that fits into the screw is called
the blade (fig. 1-47).
Figure 1-46.-Flaring tools.
Figure 1-47.-Types of screwdrivers.