The deadman control operator must have a
direct line-of-sight to the refueling nozzle
operator at the aircraft receptacle whenever
he or she is actuating the deadman control.
If either the primary or secondary shutoff-
valve test indicates a failure, stop the hot-
refueling operation immediately.
The aircraft canopy remains closed during
the entire refueling evolution.
Both engines on dual-engine aircraft are
assumed to be operating. Although some
aircraft can, and do, shut down the engine
on the side where the refueling adapter is
located (F-14), most aircraft currently do
not (F-18, A-6).
Hot refueling of rotary-wing aircraft by
mobile refueler without the use of a pan-
tograph is accomplished only with the rotor
blades disengaged. Hot refueling by mo-
bile refueler should be avoided whenever
possible. refueler operators must be thor-
oughly checked out and PQS-certified in
hot-refueling operations.
Secure all unnecessary electrical and electronic
Verify that manned fire-fighting equipment is in
the immediate vicinity of the refueling operation (sta-
tion operator).
Attach the bonding cable between the refueling
equipment and the aircraft (plane captain). In direct fuel
systems (pits), bonding is usually accomplished
through the nozzle/hose/pantograph system. If bonding
is not accomplished via the nozzle/hose/pantograph
system, the bonding connection is made using the
grounding receptacle near the aircrafts fueling adapter.
If this is not possible. the connection must be to bare
metal on the aircraft.
Pull out the pantograph (or reel out the hose) and
place it in proper position for refueling (nozzle operator
and station operator).
Remove the refueling adapter cap from the air-
craft and the dust cover from the pressure nozzle. In-
spect the face of the nozzle to make sure it is clean, and
verify that the flow control handle is in the fully closed
and locked position (nozzle operator).
Visually inspect the aircrafts adapter (recepta-
cle) for any damage or significant wear. A worn or
broken adapter can defeat the safety interlocks of the
refueling nozzle, permitting the poppet valve to open
and fuel to spray or spill.
Lift the nozzle by the lifting handles and align
the lugs with the slots on the aircraft adapter. Hookup
to the aircraft by pressing firmly onto the adapter and
rotating it clockwise to a positive stop (nozzle operator).
The nozzle must seat firmly on the adapter and not be
cocked. Cocking can indicate a malfunction of the
nozzles safety interlock system, which can lead to a
fuel spray or spill.
Zero the refueling meter or note the totalizer
Upon receiving signals from the nozzle operator
and plane captain that hook-up has been completed and
that the fueling operation is ready to begin, the station
operator actuates the remote, hand-held, deadman con-
The deadman controls must NOT be
blocked open or overridden in any way. This
defeats the purpose of the device and can lead
to a catastrophic accident.
Once a fueling evolution has commenced, the
aircrafts electrical power status and connections
must not be changed until the evolution has been
completed or refueling has been stopped for an
emergency. NO aircraft engines or auxiliary power
units can be started or stopped, and external power
CANNOT be connected, disconnected, switched on
or off. Changing the aircrafts electrical power
status can create significant ignition sources.
Rotate the nozzle flow-control handle to
the FULL OPEN position. The handle must ro-
tate 180 degrees to make sure the poppet valve
is fully open and locked (nozzle operator). The
flow-control handle of the single-point pressure
refueling nozzle is-placed in either of two locked
positions: fully open or fully closed. The handle
is NOT to be used as a flag to indicate fuel flow.