d. Valves in the suction header.
e. The pump inlet and discharge valves to a
designated transfer pump.
f. All valves from the pump discharge header
to the designated purifier.
g. The service tank cutout valve to the tank to
be filled.
h. The designated purifier discharge valve.
5. Start the purifier.
6. When the purifier attains 4100 rpm (146 to 150
bumps per minute), open the seal water plug valve on
the purifier.
To minimize vibration when starting with
a dirty bowl, admit seal water immediately after
pressing the stint button.
7. Open the main water-discharge observation
port on the cover assembly. When water discharges past
this port, close the seal water inlet plug valve on the
purifier and at the supply end.
8. Start the designated transfer pump.
9. When the pump discharge pressure builds up,
SLOWLY open the purifier inlet globe valve and throt-
tle to maintain 9 psi inlet pressure. Then throttle the
purifier discharge globe valve to maintain 30 psi back
pressure (+or5 psi).
10. Log the time the transfer pump and purifier
were started.
11. While the system is in operation, make the
following additional log entries:
a. Transfer pump inlet and discharge pressure.
b. Purifier inlet and discharge pressure.
12. Take inlet and discharge samples.
a. Send to the AvFuels lab to analyze with the
AEL Contaminated Fuel Detector Mk III and the AEL
Water Detector Kit Mk I.
b. Log the results of the analysis.
It is advisable to take a visual sample of the
contents of the storage tank from which suction
is being taken at the initial opening of the
manifold valves. This sample can be drawn
through the telltale valve.
13. If the transfer pumps lose suction before the
service tank is full, take the following action:
a. Close the purifier inlet valve.
b. Close the manifold valves to the empty
c. Place additional tanks on the line.
d. When the transfer pump discharge pressure
is again attained, repeat step 10.
14. When the service tank is 95 percent full, secure
the system
The procedure for stopping the purifier is as
Close the purifier inlet valve.
Stop the transfer pump.
Stop the purifier.
DO NOT engage the brake; the purifier will
coast to a stop in about 45 minutes.
e. As the purifier slows down, centrifugal
force diminishes, and inlet and discharge pressure will
drop to zero.
f. When the flapper in the discharge sight
glass stops, close the purifier discharge valve.
g. Close all valves in the falling and transfer
h. Make the following log entries:
Time transfer pump stopped.
Time purifier stopped.
Gross gallons removed from storage
Net gallons received in service tanks.
During the transfer operation, samples for visual
examination must be taken from the purifier outlet at
regular intervals in accordance with local instruc-
tions. Samples must be clean and bright and contain
NO free water. A cloud, haze, specks of sediment, or
entrained water indicates the fuel is probably unsuit-
able and points to a breakdown in the purification