pump suction header. Unlock and open the gate valve
in this same line.
2. Open selected transfer mainside manifold
3. Open selected tankside manifold valves.
The suction headers for the service pumps
are 8-inch to 10-inch lines, and all filling and
suction lines to storage tanks are 5-inch lines.
Therefore, an adequate number of tanks must
be open at all times, or the service pumps will
lose suction.
4. Open all valves in the transfer main branch
headers leading to the suction header of the transfer
5. Start the service pump with the discharge globe
valve closed. When the pump discharge pressure
reaches 80 psi, SLOWLY open the discharge globe
Continue pumping until all fuel has been of-
floaded. Just as on-loading, when off-loading fuel, a
tank emptying sequence must be followed to maintain
the proper list and trim on the ship.
The operations described here for the service sys-
tem include (1) flushing the service system, (2) fuel-
ing aircraft, and (3) defueling aircraft.
Before fueling any aircraft, the entire JP-5 service
system must be thoroughly flushed after any one of
the following occurrences:
1. After a shipyard overhaul (includes newly con-
structed or reconverted carriers).
2. After any major repair work has been accom-
plished on the JP-5 service system.
3. After drain back for maintenance.
The flushing operation is performed to rid the
piping of the large quantity of solids and condensation
that accumulate during the installation of and/or re-
pairs to the system during a shipyard overhaul. Flush-
ing also removes loose deposits of microbiological
growth that can grow anywhere in the system where
pockets of water exist.
Operation of the service system requires pumping
large quantities of fuel at high pressure, therefore,
every safety precaution must be adhered to.
The flushing operation is performed by pumping
clean JP-5 through the service system piping from
service tanks, via the service filter, through the distri-
bution piping to every service station, and back into
the contaminated settling tanks. The entire flushing
operation can be accomplished with virtually no loss
to the JP-5 fuel involved.
The piping arrangement and operating procedure
between the pump room and the service stations for
the flushing operation are practically identical as for
fueling aircraft, which is to follow. To minimize repe-
tition, the operation described here between the two
points is for both operations.
The piping arrangement for one quadrant only is
described here. Other quadrants can be aligned in the
same manner.
Set up the pump room as follows:
1. Strip the in-use service tank.
2. Open the cutout valves in the suction line be-
tween the service pump and in-use service tank.
3. Aline the recirculating header to the service
tank from which suction is to be taken.
4. Open the service pump recirculating line.
Ensure that the service pump discharge
valve is closed.
5. Align distribution piping in the pump room.
6. Align the distribution piping in the filter room
to activate the main fuel filter as follows:
a. Open the filter inlet and discharge valves.
b. Open the falter vent line.
c. Align the automatic water drain system.
d. Open both cutout valves leading to the for-
ward and after legs of the outboard distribution main.
e. Open the port and starboard crossover cut-
out valve.