The stripping system is aligned in basically the
same manner as described for stripping ballast tanks.
Proceed as follows:
1. Open the valve on the single-valved stripping
manifold to the tank to be stripped.
2. Open the valve on the flood and drain manifold
leading to the stripping main.
Step 2 is necessary only for tanks that are
designated JP-5 or ballast.
3. Open the necessary valves in the stripping
main leading to the suction header of the stripping
4. Open the stripping pump inlet valve.
5. Open the stripping pump discharge valve.
6. Open the cutout valve from the discharge
header leading to the contaminated-JP-5 settling tank.
7. Start the motor-driven stripping pump.
Take frequent samples of the JP-5 being dis-
charged. When a sample of clean, bright, water-free
JP-5 is obtained, the tank is stripped. Close the valve on
the single-valved stripping manifold, and open the
valve to the next tank to be stripped. Strip all tanks in
the same manner.
The clean JP-5 remaining in the system
between the single-valved stripping manifold
and the stripping pump from the previously
stripped tank MUST be discharged past the test
connection before a conclusive sample can be
obtained from the next tank to be stripped. This
can be accomplished by having a general
knowledge of the capacity of the stripping sys-
tem piping between the two points and the
capacity of the stripping pump. Run the pump
accordingly. Allow extra running time for a
safety factor. An example is, if the pipe capacity
is 160 gallons and the pumps rated capacity is
50 gpm, then the pump should be operated for
4 minutes before a sample of the next tank is
When all storage tanks have been stripped, stop the
pumps and close all valves in the system.
The service tanks can be stripped in basically
the same manner as the storage tanks by using the
motor-driven stripping pumps. But, this should rarely,
if ever, be necessary except when completely emptying
the service tanks (the last 24 inches of fuel) before
maintenance, cleaning, etc., and to remove the wash
water after a cleaning operation.
If the storage tanks are allowed adequate settling
time and are properly stripped, and if the centrifugal
purifiers are maintained and operated properly, there
should NEVER be enough water in a service-tank to
require using the motor-driven stripping system for
normal stripping purposes.
Service tanks are normally stripped by use of the
hand-operated stripping pump. The procedure used is
as follows:
1. Open the valve on the suction side of the strip-
ping pump leading to the service tank to be stripped.
2. Open the valve on the discharge side of the
stripping pump.
3. Operate the pump handle until clean fuel is
observed in the discharge line (as indicated by the
bulls-eye sight glass).
4. Open the test connection and take frequent
samples. Pump until a sample of clean, bright, water-
free JP-5 is obtained.
Transferring JP-5 internally is accomplished by
the three individual transfer pumps in each of the
forward and after pump rooms.
Transferring From Storage to Service
When transferring from storage to service tanks,
use the following procedure:
1. Strip all tanks concerned, both storage and
2. Empty the purifier sump drain box.
3. Arrange the tank emptying sequence, Empty
the overflow tank first, the slack tanks second, and the
tanks that have had the longest settling time last.
4. Open the following valves:
a. Selected tankside manifold valves.
b. Selected transfer mainside manifold valves.
Ensure that the telltale valves are closed.
c. All valves in the transfer main branch
header between the manifolds and pump suction header.