symbols (four-pointed star and crescent). Content
of fluid lines and indicates the color code and
of the line is indicated by name (HYDRAZINE).
symbol for each line. Figure 9-7 shows the
The primary hazard is indicated by the word
markers used for rocket fuel lines.
TOXIC. Pressure is indicated in pounds per
square inch (125 psi). Direction of flow is
In most instances, fluid lines are marked by
indicated by arrows. Two-headed arrows are used
the use of 1-inch tape or decals, as shown in fig-
to show reversible flow. In addition, certain lines
ure 9-7, view A. On lines 4 inches or larger in
may have a special code for lines that have a
diameter, lines in an oily environment, hot lines,
specific function within a system. Some examples
and some cold lines, steel tags replace tape or
include drain, vent, pressure, and return lines.
decals. See figure 9-7, view B. On lines in engine
There are four general classes of hazards
compartments, where there is a possibility that
tapes, decals, or tags can be drawn into the engine
found in connection with fluid lines. These
hazards are shown by special fluid line markings.
intake, paint is used. See figure 9-7, view C.
As shown in figure 9-7, view A, reading from
1. Flammable material (FLAM). The hazard
left to right, the line function is indicated by color
marking FLAM is used to identify lines containing
code (red, gray), name (ROCKET FUEL), and
Figure 9-7.-Fluid line identification group (A) using tape and decals; (B) using metal tags; (C) using paint.