DELTA --A three-phase connection in which
windings are connected end to end, forming a
closed loop that resembles the Greek letter delta.
field in addition to a shunt field. Such machines
A separate phase wire is then connected to each
have characteristics of both series- and shunt-
of the three junctions.
wound machines.
to conduct or carry an electric current. It is the
systems to convert an ac signal to a dc signal, The
magnitude of the dc output is determined by the
is expressed in mhos.
magnitude of the ac input signal, and its polarity
is determined by whether the ac input signal is in
or out of phase with the ac reference voltage.
DIELECTRIC --An insulator; a term that
CONDUCTOR --Any material suitable for
refers to the insulating material between the plates
carrying electric current.
of a capacitor.
CORE --A magnetic material that affords an
DIFFERENTIAL --A mechanical computing
easy path for magnetic flux lines in a coil.
device used to add or subtract two quantities.
COUNTER EMF --Counter electromotive
force; an EMF induced in a coil or armature that
DIGITAL COMPUTER --A type of com-
opposes the applied voltage.
puter in which quantities are represented in
numerical form. It is generally made to solve
COUNTING CIRCUIT --A circuit that
complex mathematical problems by use of the
receives uniform pulses representing units to be
fundamental processes of addition, subtraction,
limited only by the number of significant figures
COVALENT BOND --A type of linkage
between atoms in which the atoms share valence
DIODE --A material of either germanium or
silicon that is manufactured to allow current to
flow in only one direction. Diodes are used as
DIRECT CURRENT --An electric current
CURRENT --The movement of electrons past
that flows in one direction only.
a reference point. The passage of electrons
through a conductor. Measured in amperes.
DISCRIMINATOR --A dual-input circuit in
CURRENT LIMITER --A protective device
which the output is dependent on the variation
similar to a fuse, usually used in high amperage
of one input from the other input or from an
applied standard.
CYCLE --One complete positive and one
DOPPLER EFFECT --An apparent change in
complete negative alternation of a current or
the frequency of a sound wave or electromagnetic
wave reaching a receiver when there is relative
motion between the source and the receiver.
The permanent-magnet moving-coil movement
EDDY CURRENT --Induced circulating
used in most meters.
currents in a conducting material that are caused
by a varying magnetic field.
applied to gyros to describe the number of
EFFICIENCY --The ratio of output power to
variable angles required to specify the position of
input power, generally expressed as a percentage.
the rotor spin axis relative to the case.