engagement. In this mode, the air data computer
Q8. What AFCS mode automatically dampens
commands a pitch-up or pitch-down when
oscillations in the yaw, pitch, and roll axes?
airspeed is above or below the selected math
Automatic Carrier Landing System (ACLS)
In many respects, the helicopter differs
In the ACLS mode, the pilot can make a
radically from conventional fixed-wing aircraft.
"hands-off" carrier landing. The aircraft follows
However, rotary-wing aerodynamics are very
command signals generated by the data link
similar to fixed-wing aerodynamics. A review of
Airman, NAVEDTRA 14014, will help you
understand the material in this discussion.
Ground Control Bombing
The AFCS is an electrohydromechanical
system. It provides inputs to the flight control
Similar to ACLS, the aircraft follows com-
mand signals from personnel on the ground.
system to aid the pilot in maneuvering and
handling the helicopter. The AFCS consist of
three major subsystems --the stability augmenta-
tion system (SAS), the stabilator system, and the
digital automatic flight control system (DAFCS).
All engagement controls for the three subsystems
are on the AFCS and stabilator control panels.
Q1. What two types of altitude signals can the
Each subsystem operates independently of the
AFCS use to maintain a constant altitude?
other two subsystems, and they complement one
another. The pilot engages autopilot functions by
pushing the AUTO PLT push button on the
AFCS CONTROL panel. The AFCS system
Q2. Why is the AFCS synchronized with the
provides the following features:
flight controls before engaging the AFCS?
Pitch, roll, and yaw stability augmentation
Q3. What unit is considered the heart of the
Stabilator control
Cyclic, collective, and pedal trim
Pitch and roll attitude hold
Q4. What AFCS component provides signal
outputs representing yaw, pitch, and roll
Airspeed hold
Heading hold
Barometric altitude hold
Q5. What type of heading signal does the AFCS
Radar altitude hold
receive from the compass/INS system?
Pitch and roll hover augmentation/gust
Q6. What are the two modes of operation for
Turn coordination
electrohydraulic servo actuators?
Maneuvering stability
Q7. What unit of the AFCS sends a signal that
Automatic approach to hover
acts as a follow-up to flight control
Hover coupler