tools among these hazards. Common sense and
Aircraft maintenance falls into two broad
carefully following established rules will produce
categories--scheduled maintenance and unsched-
uled maintenance. Scheduled maintenance is the
an accident-free naval career.
When working, there is one rule to stress
actions taken to reduce or eliminate failure
strongly--SAFETY FIRST. Whether you are
and prolong the useful life of the equipment.
working in the shop, on the line, or during a
Unscheduled maintenance is the actions taken
when a system part or component has failed, and
flight, you should follow prescribed safety
procedures. When working on or near aircraft,
the equipment is out of service.
In maintenance work of any kind, you use two
there is the danger of jet blast, losing your
fundamentals--knowledge and skills. As an AE,
balance, or being struck by propeller or rotor
blades. Because of these dangers, you need to
you must have specific information about the
particular equipment you repair or keep in good
develop safe and intelligent work habits. You
should become a safety specialist, trained in
condition. Also, you must have certain general
skills and knowledge that apply to many kinds of
recognizing and correcting dangerous conditions
and unsafe acts.
equipment and types of work assignments.
The specific information required consists of
You must know how to treat burns and how
special procedures and processes, and detailed
to give artificial ventilation (respiration) to
step-by-step directions approved by proper
persons suffering from electric shock. In some
authority. You can find this information in
cases, you may have to perform external heart
publications or checklists authorized by the Naval
compression in addition to artificial ventilation
Air Systems Command, type commanders, and
to restore the heartbeat. Artificial ventilation and
other authorities.
external heart compression performed together are
General maintenance skills and procedures are
based on knowledge that is not in equipment
You should study the CPR training section of
manuals. These skills come from schools, on-the-
Basic Military Requirements, N A V E D T R A
job training, and from training manuals such as
14325. This text provides valuable information;
however, it does not replace training in CPR
this one.
procedures. It is your responsibility to get first
aid training, including CPR. Personal CPR
training is available at many Navy medical
facilities. Many local fire stations and Red Cross
Learning Objective: In addition to general
agencies also offer this type of training. It is
important for you to be currently certified in the
s a f e t y precautions, identify safety
special skills of CPR. One final note, you must
precautions regarding aircraft, personnel,
update your CPR certification annually.
material, and tools.
In the performance of your duties, you come
across many potentially dangerous conditions and
situations. You install, maintain, and repair
Do not perform CPR unless you have had
electrical and electronic equipment in confined
the proper training.
spaces where high voltages are present. Among
the hazards of this work are injury caused by
The life of a shipmate could easily depend
electric shock, electrical fires, and harmful
upon your CPR skills. This statement is not to
gases. Also, you must include improper use of