instrument that has a stock number has at least
pressure indicators to ensure that no fluid remains
one distinctive feature that lets you identify it
inside the instrument.
individually. Normally, you will not substitute one
Be careful you don't contaminate instruments
instrument for another; however, in an emergency
with perspiration. Thoroughly dry the instrument
it may be necessary. Before you make a substi-
before wrapping it with moistureproof material.
tution, properly identify the instrument in the
Aviction Supply Catalog, which pertains to
All instruments and accessories coming from
supply are in containers. There are two types of
containers--nonmetallic and metallic.
Aircraft instruments that were submerged in
The nonmetallic container is usually of a
water must be given treatment to minimize
high-grade cardboard construction. It will not
corrosion as soon as practicable after immersion.
withstand the rough treatment that the metallic
Refer to Avionic Cleaning and Corrosion Pre-
type container can endure. However, if they are
ventive Control Manual, NAVAIR 16-1-540, for
not abused, they afford adequate protection for
the correct procedures.
the instrument.
Many of the parts of instrument systems, such
The metallic type is a heavy gauge metal and
has a lid that secures to the can with a snap-ring
a protective treatment to inhibit fungus growth.
fastener. You can open and close this container
This treatment consists of coating the components
without damaging it.
with a special type of fungus-resistant varnish or
Do not damage or throw away packaging
lacquer. The manufacturer or an aviation depot
material from both the nonmetallic and metallic
usually performs this operation. Some mainte-
nance activities may do this job. Since the varnish
containers. Make provisions for retaining this
material in the electric shop since it may be used
and lacquer are poisonous, this is a dangerous
for returning equipment to supply. Many of
operation. It requires special equipment and
these containers have labels stating REUSABLE
specially trained personnel.
You should handle non-RFI instruments with
the same care you handle new instruments to
avoid additional damage. To prevent damage in
Q1. What type of marking is used to identify
handling and storage, all instruments are stored
dial face slippage?
and transported in individual metal containers
and well-packed cartons. Use care in packing
inoperative instruments so no additional damage
occurs during shipment. Pack individual cartons
for shipment in strong wooden boxes, except when
Q2. When installing rigid tube markings, what
is the minimum number per compartment?
Instruments that have a locking mechanism
should be placed in the locked position before
being shipped. Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions for information regarding the locking
Q3. What is the color of the identfication tape
of a particular instrument.
on electrical conduits?
Q4. Name the four classes of hazards identified
Clean all aircraft instruments after removal
from the aircraft and before shipping to supply.
by identification of hazards tape.