CINCPACFLT are directly under the Chief of NavalOperations (CNO). The CNO is the Navy representa-tive for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They have theresponsibility for the protection of the United States.Q2-26. The commander of a carrier division isusually an officer of what rank?Q2-27. Who is the Navy representative for the JointChiefs of Staff?TYPICAL CARRIER SCHEDULELEARNING OBJECTIVE:Identify thepurpose of the carrier schedule.A carrier needs periodic repair and refitting. Thetime scheduled for this work is called a yard period. In aNavy shipyard, the carrier is repaired and any change ormodernization is done. Included are rearrangement ofcompartments, repair of machinery, and installation ofnew systems. At this time, required supplies and spareparts are loaded aboard for both the carrier and itssupported squadrons.The carrier then takes several shakedown andtraining cruises. During the shakedown cruises, thecarrier is checked for satisfactory operation ofmachinery, equipment, and systems. A return to theshipyard may be needed to correct discrepancies.During the training cruises, the squadron's and ship'spersonnel are trained in operations and proceduresnecessary to complete the ship's mission.The carrier proceeds to its patrol area and conductsoperations according to its mission. Supplies areprovided by supply ships by underway replenishment(UNREP), carrier onboard delivery (COD) aircraft, orby vertical replenishment (VERTREP) helicoptersquadron's. The carrier usually takes a breather one ormore times during this deployment period. This breakallows personnel to go on liberty in foreign countries,and bring supplies on board that are difficult to get atsea.After the deployment period, the carrier returns toits homeport for refitting. Each return to home port doesnot involve a yard period. While the carrier is homeported, the squadrons that were aboard are basedashore. While the carrier is being refitted andre-supplied during home port periods, personnel aretransferred and new personnel are trained. The carrier isnow ready for deployment.Q2-28. Define a "yard" period as it relates to anaircraft carrier.Q2-29. How are aircraft carriers supplied withprovisions during deployment?DESIGNATION AND TYPES OF NAVALAIRCRAFTLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify navalaircraft designations and the major fleetaircraft.The present system of designating naval aircraftwas initiated in late 1962. This system applies to all U.S.military aircraft. All the aircraft designations have onething in common—a hyphen. The letter just before thehyphen specifies the basic mission, or type, of aircraft.The basic mission letters are as follows:A—AttackB—BomberC—TransportE—Special electronic installationF—FighterH—HelicopterK—TankerO—ObservationP—PatrolR—ReconnaissanceS—AntisubmarineT—TrainerU—UtilityV—VTOL and STOLX—ResearchIf the aircraft has been modified from its originalmission, a letter in front of the basic mission letterindicates its modified mission. Mission modificationletters are as follows:A—AttackC—TransportD—Director (for controlling drone aircraft ormissiles)E—Special electronic installationH—Search/rescueK—TankerL—Cold-weather aircraft (for Arctic or Antarcticoperations)M—Mine countermeasuresO—ObservationP—PatrolQ—DroneR—ReconnaissanceS—AntisubmarineT—TrainerU—UtilityV—StaffW—WeatherAll the aircraft designations have one thing incommon—a hyphen; for example, the F/A-18E Hornet2-17
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