hovering device. It is capable of water landing and
Distinguishing features include a hull-shaped
fuselage and outrigger sponson's, into which the main
landing gear retracts.
A fixed horizontal stabilizer is installed on the
upper right side of the pylon, and two General Electric
gas turboshaft engines are mounted side by side above
the fuselage and forward of the rotor head.
The Sea Hawk, better known as the LAMPS (Light
Airborne Multipurpose System) helicopter provides
all-weather capability for detection, classification,
localization, and interdiction of ships and submarines.
Secondary missions include; search and rescue,
medical evacuation, vertical replenishment, special
warfare support and communications relay.
It has a crew of four, two pilots and two enlisted
aircrew, and is powered by two General Electric
T700-GE-401 engines. Different variants of the Sea
Hawk enable it to perform ASW, logistic, weapons
delivery or troop transport missions.
The Super Stallion's primary mission is to move
cargo and equipment with a secondary role of troop
transfer during amphibious assault operations. With
two versions, utility and mine countermeasures, this
heavy lift helicopter is one of the free worlds largest and
most powerful. It has a crew of three, powered by three
General Electric T64-GE-416 engines, seven main
rotor blades, and weighs 73,500 maximum loaded. The
Super Stallion can refuel in flight, has accommodations
for 38 combat-equipped troops or 24 litter patients, and
can lift over 16 tons.
The H-46 has a tandem rotor configuration, which
sets it apart from the single rotor design. The Sea
Knight is a medium lift cargo and troop transport
helicopter that has been the workhorse for the Navy and
Marine Corps for decades. Numerous modifications
and upgrades, increased fuel capacity, fiber glass rotor
blades, rescue hoist, 10,000-pound external cargo
loading provisions, automatic blade fold, guns and
armor are just a few of the improvements.
Powered by two General Electric T58-GE-16
turboshaft engines, the Sea Knight can reach speeds of
166 mph, weighs 23,300 pounds fully loaded, and has a
crew of threetwo pilots and one crewman.
In what year was the present naval Aircraft
Identification System initiated?
In the aircraft designation F/A-18E, what
does the letter "F" specify?
In the aircraft designation F/A-18E, what
does the letter "E" represent?
What contractor manufacturers the SV-22
In this chapter, you have learned about naval
aviation organization and the types of aircraft found in
squadrons and on naval air stations. You have also
learned about squadron organization and the types of
duties you might be assigned within a squadron.