Textbook Assignment: "Organization of Naval Aviation," chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-22.
What person is the head of the Navy Depart-
1. The CNO
2. The DCNO
3. The Secretary of Defense
4. The Secretary of the Navy
The Navy Department falls under the author-
ity of a cabinet post. This cabinet post is
manned by what person?
1. Secretary of the Interior
2. Secretary of the Navy
3. Secretary of Defense
4. Secretary of the Treasury
What person is the immediate head of the
military part of the Navy Department?
1. President
2. Secretary of the Navy
3. Chief of Naval Department
4. Chief of Naval Operations
When used properly, the chain of command
serves which of the following purposes?
1. It provides direction in the assignment of
2. It provides a path of communication
3. It ensures efficiency in solving work- re-
lated problems
4. All of the above
Naval air stations provide which of the fol-
lowing services?
1. Supply
2. Repair
3. Specialized training
4. All of the above
The naval air station has the responsibility for
providing what type of maintenance?
1. Organizational level
2. Intermediate level
3. Depot level (where available)
4. All of the above
Flight training provided by naval air stations
consists of what three types?
1. Basic, preflight, and daily
2. Preflight, basic, and advanced
3. Daily, basic, and advanced
4. Preflight, daily, and advanced
A FRAMP provides which of the following
types of training?
1. Specific type aircraft maintenance train-
ing only
2. Specific support equipment training only
3. Specific type aircraft maintenance train-
ing and specific support equipment train-
4. Depot-level maintenance training
Typical naval air stations are divided primar-
ily into what type of organizations?
1. Crews
2. Units
3. Divisions
4. Departments
Which of the following individuals is NOT a
special assistant to the CO/XO of a naval air
1. The chaplain
2. The quality assurance officer
3. The general safety officer
4. The aviation safety officer
The distribution and collection of mail,
duplicating and clerical services, and control
of registered publications are the functions of
what department?
1. Administration
2. Operations
3. Comptroller
4. Security
What department is responsible for the con-
duct of the military recreational program?
1. Personnel Department
2. Administration Department
3. Supply Department
4. Public Works Department