The aircraft crash, fire, and rescue party is
included in which of the following divisions?
1. V-1
2. V-2
3. V-3
4. V-4
What division is charged with the operation
and maintenance of catapults and arresting
gear on an aircraft carrier?
1. V-1
2. V-2
3. V-3
4. V-4
The V-3 division is responsible for what
function on an aircraft carrier?
1. Aircraft maintenance
2. Catapult and arresting gear
3. Aviation fuels
4. Aircraft on the hangar deck
What division is charged with the operation
and upkeep of the aircraft carrier's aviation
fuel and oil transfer system?
1. V-1
2. V-2
3. V-3
4. V-4
The care and maintenance of all machinery,
piping systems, and electrical devices are the
responsibility of what department on the
1. Supply
2. Weapons
3. Engineering
4. Air operations
The aircraft intermediate maintenance de-
partment (afloat) is organized in a similar
manner to which of the following shore-
based activities?
1. The supply department
2. The aircraft maintenance division
3. The operations maintenance department
4. The aviation maintenance department
An aircraft intermediate maintenance de-
partment (afloat) is manned with what type of
1. Permanently assigned maintenance per-
sonnel only
2. Temporarily assigned personnel from em-
barked squadrons only
3. Permanently assigned maintenance per-
sonnel and temporarily assigned per-
sonnel from embarked squadrons
4. Civilians
The designation of the basic mission of an air-
craft is indicated by what means?
1. A letter only
2. A letter followed by a number
3. A number only
4. A number followed by a letter
What is the letter identifier for the aircraft
mission of transport?
1. U
2. T
3. C
4. S
In an aircraft designation, what is the basic
aircraft mission for the letter "K"?
1. Research
2. Tanker
3. Transport
4. Observation
What is the letter identifier for the aircraft
mission of antisubmarine?
1. R
2. H
3. A
4. S
What type of aircraft does the aircraft mission
modification letter "Q" identify?
1. Drone
2. Cold weather
3. Patrol
4. Utility
An aircraft designated for staff has what
mission modification letter?
1. E
2. V
3. S
4. O