Service aisles are those that permit access to stacks
for inventory, inspection, or protective processing.
These type of aisle requirements are normally very
limited. It is not needed for warehouses that store bulk
items in rows with the same number of containers in
each pallet.
Similar items stored in rows facilitate
inventory as well as issue and make service aisles
Proper storage techniques used to store, identify,
and retrieve materials will facilitate the efficiency of the
operation. These storage techniques are the popularity
and similarity methods.
The popularity storage technique involves the
activity pattern of the material. This is used by storing
the items with high activity level (fast movers) closest
to the storage and retrieval functions. The purpose for
using this technique is to minimize travel time by
locating the items as close as possible to the processing
locations. Ibis method of storage is considered the best
since it allows quick access to high demand items. See
figure 2-4 for an illustration of the popularity storage
The similarity storage technique uses the physical
characteristics of the material to classify the items. The
two most common methods used in classifying the
items are by the type of packaging and stackability of
material. The basic principle of similarity storage is
that like items should be stored together. his technique
is commonly used for storing rubber tires, bales of rags,
electronic equipment, paints, and soon.
The support areas are the nonstorage parts of the
warehouse that are used to support various operations.
These areas include office spaces, shipping and
receiving, battery charging spaces, preservation,
packing, and crating.
Office Spaces
The office areas include spaces for the supervisor,
secretary, foreman, and clerks that are directly associ-
ated with warehouse operations. General administra-
tive offices are not classified as warehouse support
areas. The office area should accommodate one or two
people and provide one desk and two chairs per indiv-
idual. Space should also be provided for filing cabinets,
tables, or electronic equipment such as computers.
Figure 2-4.Popularity storage method.