data in the computer. Each report provides specific
information about the records such as additions,
deletions, changes, updates, or completions. Specific
reports are also produced when certain computer data
are imbalance and require a corrective action.
Hardcopy notices are produced to inform personnel of
other system actions after the transactions. The supply
and maintenance reports are listed and illustrated in the
NALCOMIS Data Requirements Document (RD).
In this chapter, we discussed the computer system
and its various uses, The computer has gained
popularity as the top labor-saving device and is widely
used throughout the Navy. As the supervisor, you must
obtain the knowledge and skills needed to oprrate and
work with computers to perform different tasks. We
also discussed some acronyms and terms used with
computer operations. Memorizing these terms and
acronyms commonly used in NALCOMIS operations
will facilitate faster processing of transactions.
The supply system procedures use computer
systems to perform various functions. The AK uses the
NALCOMIS procedures to perform supply support to
aviation maintenance. The NALCOMIS can process
various functions required by the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2.
However, some supply functions are processed by
another computer system that is interfaced with
NALCOMIS. These computer systems are also known
as host computers such the SUADPS-RT, UADPS-SP,
and so forth.
The NALCOMIS is designed as an on-line and
real-time source data entry processing system. This
means that the majority of the data collected by the
system is obtained from the supply and maintenance
personnel entering the data on terminals. The
NALCOMIS provides a standard data entry screen
display for collecting information. It also provides
standard update/delete screen display for modifying or
deleting information that was previous] y entered.
We discussed the different conversation codes used
for processing transactions into NALCOMIS. Only
authorized personnel are allowed to enter specific data
in the system. The data collected by the system is
validated for accuracy, completeness, and logical
relationships with related information. The data
entered is revealed via output reports or notices for
action or information. The NALCOMIS produces
different reports and notices. Different data entries or
transactions are revealed on different specific
NALCOMIS reports.
The NALCOMIS reports are
identified by report identification symbols and titles.
The NALCOMIS Data Requirements Document,
RD-001B, contains a complete listing of these reports.