REFER, the new DDSN will also be
assigned an LSC of REFER.
Creates a requisition record.
Prints DD Form 1348-1 at designated
location except those requisitions with LSC
of refer assigned.
l Process POD for all bits and piece parts received
before releasing the components from the AWP
locker. Use conversation code N615 to process
P r i n t s t h e N O R E Q U I S I T I O NS
OUTSTANDING NOTICE if the receipt is
the last item required for the AWP
NOTICE for the component in AWP.
Prints the AWP SHORTAGE NOTICE if the
quantity received does not satisfy the
requirement completely.
l If all the material requirements are filled, release
the component from the AWP locker back to
repair cycle by using conversation code N646.
This transaction updates the MAF record
with the job status of WB (in transit from
The transaction decreases the AWP count.
The transaction prints the AWP
MOVEMENT NOTICE to be attached to
the material.
The AWP recovery processing is performed as
l Verify the CAGE/PN of the item by using
conversation code N679/N203 cross-reference
inquiry. (If the CAGE/PN is not in the database,
pass the requirement to the technical edit team
for loading to the computer.)
l The production control (PC) division of the IMA
will load MAF data (level 2 only) through
conversation code N282.
o PC will print and forward the copy of
conversation code N217 screen display to
. AWP verifies data in blocks H-Z of the
conversation code N217 screen display against
c o n v e r s a t i o n c o d e N 8 3 2 M A I L B OX
l Post the applicable contingency code by using
conversation cede N605.
Conversation code N605 transaction will
add I-Level requisition to the database.
The transaction creates supply interface
Conversation code N668 status inquiry
should display the assigned status.
l Process remeipt of the component into AWP by
using conversation code N644.
l Stamp and forward screen display printouts of
conversation codes N668 and N217 to CCS for
The work center cannot order repair parts for
a component in a WQ job status. All
outstanding bits and piece parts must be
received and the AWP must release that
component using conversation code N646
to update the job status to WB to order
another part.
A message INVALID LSC will appear when
processing a DDSN in conversation code
N615 and the DDSN is not in the database
or the ROB processing in conversation code
N613 has not been completed.
Conversation code N680 displays all repair
parts on order against a MAF/JCN.
Use conversation code N608 to reorder
repairable items that were canceled by the
supply system without creating another
Work center can order quantity that is more
than the quantity required to repair a
component. However, when the quantity
ordered exceeds the value set in
conversation code N020, the LSC assigned
will be OFVAL.
Work centers cannot order bits and piece
parts if the job status is WT. The job status
must be WS or WP to be able to order parts.
An MCN/JCN in WQ job status can be
released when documenting BCM action,
repair because of cannibalization, part
removal for cannibalization action, and