availability. However, inclusion of an item in the LRCA
storage unit should not be constrained by a specific
usage rate.
The LRCA storage unit is responsible for the
receipt, storage, issue, and accountability of repairable
assets under the control of ASD/SSC. The supply
department is responsible for providing a list of items in
the LRCA storage unit to the supported units. The
listings format include the NSN, CAGE code, work unit
code (WUC), type equipment code (TEC), family group
code (FGC), nomenclature, and LRCA item number.
The information in the list is arranged according to the
activitys needs.
The activitys fixed allowances for repairable items
are determined by turn-around time (TAT) and monthly
usage. The average TAT of an item usually stabilizes
over a long period of time. During this time, demands
for the item are filled as they occur. If the TAT becomes
longer because of some unusual reason, the availability
of RFI assets are affected.
The TAT for repairable items are monitored by the
item managers.
When used in the fixed allowance
computation the TAT should be constrained as follows:
Note: The total average TAT is limited to a
maximum of 20 days for each NIIN in each case.
Constraints are applied to each element before totaling.
The fixed allowance for aviation items of an activity
is developed after negotiations between the operating
s i t e s a n d t h e N a v a l I n v e n t o r y C o n t r ol
Point-Philadelphia (NAVICP-Philadelphia). After the
establishment of the activitys fixed allowance, only
redistribution orders from NAVICP-Philadelphia may
be processed to fill high priority requisitions from other
activities. When needed an activity can request a
change to the authorized allowance quantity. The
allowance change request (NAVSUP Form 1375) is
prepared and submittd to the NAVICP-Philadelphia. A
copy of the allowance change quest(s) is forwarded to
the applicable aircraft controlling custodian (ACC)/type
commander (TYCOM). Refer to FASOINST 4441.15,
FASOINST 4441.16, or FASOINST 4441.20 for the
specific allowance process applicable to the activity.
The following NALCOMIS procedures are used to
establish selected repairable items in the LRCA storage
unit (formerly known as rotatable pool):
As a first step, the CCS identifies the selected
repairable items that are established in the LRCA
storage unit.
Conversation code N667 is used to update the
data of the repairable NIIN. This conversation
code allows the user to update the pool type of a
particular NIIN.
Note: Activities assign the pool type code to
particular NIINs to enhance management of repairable
items. The recommended pool type code is used to
identify selected LRCA items composed of alphabetic
characters. The numeric characters are used to identify
the LRCA items in deep stock (for example, A-purpose
After processing the conversation code N667, the
system updates the FGC data of the item.
Conversation code N645 is used to submit a
request to print the freed allowance analysis
The stock status of RFI repairable items can be
verified through conversation code N670.
As the last, check the status and summary of
all stock records designated as LRCA (pool)
items through conversation code N627.
Refer to the NALCOMIS users manual for the list
of conversation codes used by the LRCA.
Document Control Unit (DCU)
The DCU is responsible for maintaining control of
repairable items and associated documents received
from OMAs or IMAs. The DCU performs the following
Reviews and monitors the IOU, EXREP, and
DIFM reports
Reviews NALCOMIS mailboxes of completed
repair actions
Receives repairable items from maintenance
Processes DIFM return transactions
Recesses items for inter-IMA repair (repair and
return program)