processing of requisitions for wheel assembly involves
several steps.
The first step is receiving the requirement from the
The system will determine material
availability and print issue document. The transaction
is processed in conversation code N615 for proof of
delivery. If material is not available, conversation code
N668 status inquiry will read ERIOU.
The next step is inducting the wheel assembly to the
repair cycle. During this process, it is determined if the
rubber tire needed to build the wheel assembly is
consumable or repairable. The procedures are as
The IMA orders the rubber tire by using
conversation code N251 that requires approval
by the PC on conversation code N252.
If the rubber tire is available in stock,
conversation code N668 inquiry should have
status of ISSIP or ERIOU (repairable). The tire
is delivered to the delivery point and a copy of
the issue document is signed as POD.
The proof of delivery transaction is entered by
using conversation code N615.
Conversation code N812 displays the completed
repair action.
Dispose of old tires according to existing
directives and procedures. Follow the
procedures of FASOINST 13490.3 for
disposition of repairable aircraft tires.
Consumable tires are turned-in to supply for
shipment to DRMO. Repairable tires that can be
recapped are turned in to supply system as F
condition asset. Repairable tires that cannot be
recapped or are damaged beyond repair are
assigned H condition code for turn-into DRMO.
The next step of processing is performed when the
repair cycle is completed and the wheel assembly is
confirmed RFI or BCM by the IMA.
If the wheel assembly is BCM, the following
procedures will apply:
Upon receipt of the NRFI wheel from IMA,
determine if the wheel is stock or customer asset. If
wheel is stock asset, conversation code N621
transaction will decrease the DIFM counter and increase
the due counter. The system assigns the stock number
to be replenished and the FGC is displayed in
conversation code N671 screen. Conversation code
N669 will display all outstanding DDSNs for the NIIN.
The DD Form 1348-1 retrograde shipping document
will be printed.
If the wheel assembly is a customers asset
(EXREP), processing the transaction in conversation
code N621 will update the requisition LSC to REFER.
The transaction will decrease the DIFM counter. The
DD Form 1348-1 shipping document will be printed for
the retrograde.
If the wheel assembly is RFI, the following
procedures apply:
Upon receipt of the RFI wheel from IMA, determine
if there are outstanding requirements. If there are no
outstanding requirements, processing conversation
code N621 transaction will decrease the DIFM counter
and increase the RFI counter. The system will generate
a stow hardcopy notice if the wheel is being returned to
If the DIFM management code of the RFI wheel
being processed is ER, the system will print a DD Form
1348-1 issue document.
If the DIFM management code is SO, the Y in
override issue may be selected at conversation code
N621 screen display, When selected, conversation code
N668 status inquiry will have an LSC of ISSIP. The
transaction will decrease the DIFM counter and adjust
the ER counter to SO counter. The DD Form 1348-1
issue document will be printed and the supply interface
records created. Upon receipt of signed POD, enter the
quantity for proof of delivery by using conversation
code N615. (Upon completion of transaction,
conversation code N668 status inquiry should read LSC
of COMPL.)
ABLE ITEMS. Repairable items that require serial
number control are established by using conversation
code N666. It is accomplished by entering Y on
CNTRL IND block. Use conversation code N662 to
update the RFI repairable stock data.
The process starts when the customer submits
requests for SERNO controlled repairable item through
conversation code N601. Conversation code N670
inquiry is used to view the ISSER quantity of a particular
FGC, NIIN, or CAGE/PN in RFI status. After the
system processes the requisition, conversation code
N668 status inquiry should have LSC of ISSER.