Generates the DIFM Return Stow Notice if
the item is being returned to stock
Generates the Divert To Other Customer
Notice if the item is being issued to a
customer other than the original customer
Generates the DD Form 1348-1 issue
document if the item is being issued to the
original customer
Generates the DD Form 1348-1 MRIL
shipping document if the item is confiimed
BCM and being shipped to the DOP or Hub
Generates Return To CustomerNotice if the
item is returned as BCM with an action taken
code D (NRFI) by maintenance and is to be
returned to the customer
If the item returned by the repairing activity was
confirmed as BCM, the receiving activity should
process the transaction by using the stock or
EXREP procedures
For NRFI return (BCM), the following procedures
. If the BCM item processed in conversation N641
is stock asset, the transaction will result in the
decrease in the DIFM counter and increase
in the due counter
create supply interface records
replenishment of stock
assignment of the replenishment stock
number by the system
create DD Form 1348-1 MRIL shipping
document for the retrograde
display of stock due in conversation code
N671 inquiry
display of all outstanding DDSN for the spe-
cific NIIN is by using conversation code N669
. If the BCM item processed in conversation code
N641 is customers asset (EXREP), the
transaction will result in the following:
decrease in the ER DIFM counter
create supply interface records
conversation code N668 inquiry reads status
create DD Form 1348-1 MRIL shipping
document for the retrograde
conversation cede N669 inquiry lists all
outstanding DDSNs for the specific NIIN
For RFI return (repaired), the following procedures
Processing the RFI item in conversation code
N641 will include making a decision if the item
is to be issued to an outstanding requisition or is
to be returned to stock.
If the item is NOT to be issued, the transaction
will result in the following:
a decrease in the DIFM counter and an
increase in the RFI counter
generate a stow hardcopy notice
If the item is to be issued to an outstanding
requisition, the issue should be selected in
conversation code N641.
If the override option is NOT selected, the
following transactions will occur:
a decrease in the DIFM counter and an
increase in the RFI counter
generate a stow hardcopy notice
If the DIFM management code of the item being
processed is SO, the receiving activity can select
the override option Y. If the DIFM management
code of the item being processed is ER, no other
entry in the computer screen is allowed
After selecting the issue in conversation code
N641, conversation code N668 inquiry should
The transaction will adjust the DIFM ERIOU
counter to SO counter.
The system prints the DD Form 1348-1 issue
The system creates supply interface records.
After delivery of material, enter the quantity
issued for proof of delivery by using
conversation code N615.
Conversation code N668 status inquiry should
read COMPL.