and training of fleet personnel in MILSTRIP. It
contains illustrations and explanations that make
it a valuable training aid as well as a handy
Navy Correspondence Manual
The Navy Correspondence Manual, SEC-
NAVINST 5216.5, as mentioned previously in this
chapter, is the official guide for the preparation
of naval correspondence.
Standard Subject Identification Codes
The Standard Subject Identification Codes
(SSIC), SECNAVINST 5210.11, provides stan-
dard subject identification coding for classifying
correspondence, numbering instructions and
notices, and assigning report symbols.
The technical publications and instructions
maintained by a technical library are only as good
as the most current up-to-date issue. Your
responsibility does not end after you make sure
all publications you require are available. They
must be kept current. The publications that you
receive by automatic distribution will also be up-
dated by automatic distribution of changes. Those
publications that you obtain for one-time use only
must be reviewed periodically to determine the
effective dates. Technical manuals and publica-
tions are updated by two methods, changes and
A change to a manual or publication consists
of a set of replacement change pages for the area
of the manual affected by the change action. This
approach provides both an economical and
expedient method of issuing new or corrected
material to the user. Upon issue, it is necessary
for the recipient to remove the superseded pages
and insert new material. This action is required
for paper manuals only. When a change to a
microfiche is required, the microfiche is usually
reissued in its entirety.
Unlike a change, a revision constitutes a com-
plete reissue or a replacement of a manual with
all change information incorporated. Issue of a
revision normally takes place when 60 percent or
more of the document is affected by a single
change or accumulated changes, or in the event
manual use would be impaired because of change