issued by or under the direction of NAVAIR.
NAVAIR publications that are important to the
supply technical library are briefly described in
the following paragraphs.
Naval Aeronautical Publications Index
The Naval Aeronautical Publications Index
(NAPI) is issued in the following parts:
1. Equipment Applicability List, NA 00-500A
2. Avionics Change Cross-Reference, NA
3. Aircraft Application List, NA 00-500B
4. Directives Application List, NA 00-500C
5. Microfilm Cartridge Cross-Reference, NA
6. Publications Distribution Index, NA
7. Support Equipment Cross-Reference, NA
8. Airborne Weapons/Stores, Conventional/
Nuclear, Check Lists/Stores Reliability
Cards/Manual, NA 01-700
9. Navy Stock List of Publications and
Forms, NAVSUP P-2002
Allowance requirements registers (ARRs),
allowance lists (ALs), and tables of basic
allowances (TBAs) are approved by NAVAIR and
published by ASO. Refer to table 1-1 for a list
of common ARRs, ALs, and TBAs.
Allowance Requirements Registers
The allowance requirements registers (ARRs)
list material and equipment for the purpose
indicated in the register. Material listed in the
ARR is normally retained in supply department
stocks until required for use. The various ARRs
are used as guides in establishing an Aviation
Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL) for ships,
air stations, and MAGs. The AVCAL is a list of
all items authorized to be carried in stock by these
activities for support of aircraft and missiles.
Allowance Lists
The allowance lists (ALs) contain material and
equipment for the purposes indicated in each list.
The ALs are used as guides in establishing the
Individual Material Readiness Lists (IMRLs). The
contents of ALs include the equipment and
material (both consumable and repairable)
necessary to outfit and maintain units of the
aeronautical organization. The ALs also identify
items used with sufficient frequency to justify
their issuance to all activities maintaining aircraft
or equipment for which the lists are designed, and
information concerning NSN, nomenclature,
interchangeability, and superseded NSNs. The
ALs provide detailed instructions for the applica-
tion and use of each publication, as well as a table
of logistic data showing the total weight and cube
of all material contained in the list.
Tables of Basic Allowances
The tables of basic allowances (TBAs) are
listings of equipment and material required for
performance of specific missions, They contain
both shop equipment and common supporting
spare parts and include allowances of tools and
material required for the use of such activities as
fleet marine force (FMF) squadrons, guided
missile activities, and drone-type activities,
Technical manuals normally contain a listing
of parts and drawings of the parts for identifica-
tion purposes. The parts lists normally identify
the manufacturer, manufacturers part number,
and NSN (if one is assigned).
Illustrated Parts Breakdown
An illustrated parts breakdown (IPB), also
known as an illustrated maintenance parts list or
illustrated parts catalog, is prepared by the
manufacturer for each model aircraft, engine
accessory, electronic equipment, or support equip-
ment (SE). It is printed and issued by the authority
of NAVAIR. The IPB is designed to allow supply
and maintenance personnel to identify and
requisition replacement parts for aircraft or equip-
ment. All procurable assemblies with detailed
parts are illustrated and listed in such a manner
as to make possible quick identification of
assemblies and their component parts. The items
are arranged continuously in assembly breakdown
order with the illustrations placed as near as
possible to their appropriate listing.
Technical Directives
Supply personnel will often be required to
prepare or process requisitions for component
parts required for incorporation of technical
directives (TDs). Therefore, it is necessary to