volume establishes methods used by supply and
fiscal officers ashore to report the receipt and
expenditure of public funds and property.
The Financial Management of Resources
Fund Administration (Operating Forces) NAVSO
P-3013-1, the Financial Management of Re-
sources Operating Procedures (Operating Forces),
NAVSO P-3013-2, and the FinancialManagement
of Resources Operations and Maintenance (Shore
Activities), NAVSO P-3004, contain information
related to the procedures for maintaining
operating targets (OPTARs) and define the terms
used in the resources management system pertain-
ing to activities, ships, and squadrons.
The various Naval Supply Systems Command
(NAVSUP) publications required in the technical
library are covered in the following paragraphs,
Introduction to Federal Supply
Catalog and Related Publications
The Introduction to Federal Supply Catalog
and Related Publications, NAVSUP P-4000, is
a consolidated text that contains guidelines for the
use of various federal catalog system and NAV-
SUP publications. It contains instructions that
issue information relative to items within the Navy
supply system and also indicates the interrelation-
ship of the various publications. All related
publications are described in detail in individual
chapters of this publication. It contains descrip-
tions of the format and contents of the Manage-
ment List-Navy (ML-N), the Consolidated Master
Cross-Reference List (C-MCRL), the Master
Repairable Item List (MRIL), the Hazardous
Material Information System (HMIS), the List of
Items Requiring Special Handling (LIRSH), the
Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG), the Identification
Lists (ILs), and the Navy Item Control
Number/National Item Identification Number
( N I C N / N I I N ) c r o s s - r e f e r e n c e.
Management List-Navy
The Management List-Navy (ML-N) contains
selected management data for all Navy-managed
and Navy interest retail items and provides a
historical record of stock number deletions
and supersedure. Items excluded from this
publication are subsistence items; cryptographic/
cryptologic, defense nuclear, and special weapons
items that are listed in security classified catalogs;
and publications and forms. This publication
contains basic management data for each national
stock number (NSN) such as inventory manager
identification, item nomenclature, security
classification, shelf-life code, material control
code, and deleted or superseded information. The
ML-N is published by the Defense Logistics
Service Center (DLSC) on microfiche, listed in
NIIN sequence, and complete revisions are
redistributed to applicable activities quarterly. The
distribution is controlled by the Navy Fleet
Material Support Office (FMSO).
Consolidated Master Cross-Reference List
To assist in identifying NSN items of
supply in the Federal Supply Catalog System,
the Consolidated Master Cross-Reference List
(C-MCRL) provides cross-reference information
in three parts. Part I provides cross-reference from
reference numbers and applicable commercial and
government entity (CAGE) codes to NSNs. Part
II provides cross-reference from NSNs to
reference numbers and applicable CAGES. Part
III, listed in CAGE sequence, provides a cross-
reference from CAGES and reference numbers to
NSNs. The C-MCRL is a consolidated publica-
tion that includes items of supply that are used
by all services. Many NSNs identified in the
C-MCRL are not listed in the ML-N. The
C-MCRL provides management data such as
reference number (part number), CAGE code,
applicable NSN data, description (if available),
and nomenclature. This publication is published
on microfiche by the DLSC. The distribution is
controlled by the FMSO and is issued semi-
Master Repairable Item List
The Master Repairable Item List (MRIL),
NAVSUP P-4107, is a catalog of selected Navy-
managed items that, when unserviceable and not
locally repairable, are required to be turned into
a collection point or to a designated overhaul
point (DOP) for repair and return to system stock.
The primary purpose of the MRIL is to provide
to fleet activities the data required for disposition
of not ready for issue (NRFI) repairable,
including repair level data, shipping data, or when