Controlled Equipage. This term refers to those
items of equipage afloat that require special
management control because the material is
essential for the protection of life or is relatively
valuable and easily convertible to personal use.
Items classified as controlled equipage are listed
in Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485,
appendix II.
Minor Property. This term is defined as
personal property acquired for immediate use and
having a cost of less than ,000 and those
personal property items having a unit cost of
,000 or more but with a useful life of less than
2 years.
Plant Property. This term is defined as all
Navy-owned land, buildings, and personal pro-
perty of a capital nature located on shore
activities. Listed below are four classes of plant
Class 1. Land.
Class 2. Buildings, structures, and utilities.
Class 3. Navy-owned personal property of a
capital nature with an estimated or actual initial
acquisition cost of ,000 or more. It must have
an expected normal life of 2 years or more; it must
not be consumed in the performance of its work;
it must not be permanently installed in buildings;
and it must not be a part of supply stock.
Class 4. Industrial plant equipment that costs
,000 or more and is used for cutting, grinding,
shaping, forming, joining, testing, measuring,
heating, and treating components used in
manufacturing or maintenance of items of
supply. It does not include items costing less than
DOD Property Record, DD Form 1342 (fig.
1-6), is the only form used for reporting class 3
and class 4 plant property. A separate DD Form
1342 is prepared for each individual item. The
computer generation of the DD Form 1342 is
authorized if all data elements are included in the
same order as on the standard form.
Controlled equipage afloat is much the same
type of material as plant account property classes
3 and 4 ashore. It requires the maintenance of
separate custody records for individual items;
physical inventories; surveys of lost, missing, or
unserviceable items; and periodic reports of
consumption, deficiencies, and excess to the
cognizant type commander (TYCOM).
The Controlled Equipage Record, NAV-
SUP Form 306 (fig. 1-7), if not provided with the
COSAL, is prepared by typewriter or in ink in
Figure 1-7.Controlled Equipage Custody Record, NAVSUP Form 306.