the original and one copy for each item of
controlled equipage in the custody of each depart-
ment head.
Department heads, at their discretion, may
prepare additional duplicate custody records for
any signature required item such as binoculars,
watches, and so on, when it is desired to assign
custodial responsibility for the same item to more
than one individual.
The originals of the NAVSUP Form 306 are
maintained in a space designated as most conve-
nient by the supply officer and, when not in use,
must be kept in a locked file. Entries relative to
receipts, expenditures, and inventories are posted
to NAVSUP Form 306 according to Afloat
Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, paragraph
6092. When a new NAVSUP Form 306 is
required, the information from the old card is
duplicated and after the balance is brought
forward to the new NAVSUP 306, the old NAV-
SUP Form 306 must be kept for 36 months from
the date of the last inventory entry appearing in
the inventory record section.
When items are designated as controlled
equipage by the commanding officer or TYCOM
according to NAVSUP P485, paragraph 6091-3,
the notation CO designated item or TYCOM
designated item, as appropriate, must be entered
in the top or bottom margin of the NAVSUP
Form 306.
All controlled equipage items must be in-
ventoried annually during the period 15 February
through 15 March. Other inventories, which must
be completed within 30 days after the commence-
ment date, are listed as follows:
1. On commissioning, inactivation, or re-
activation of the ship
2. On relief of a head of department, for
those items in the custody of the department
3. On change of command, at the discretion
of the relieving commanding officer
When a shipwide inventory of all controlled
equipage has been taken during the 6-month
period preceding 15 February, the annual
inventory requirement for the current year is con-
sidered satisfied.
Normally, the technical library for the supply
department is established within the supply
support center (SSC). As the AK assigned
management responsibility for the technical
research unit, you must determine the technical
manuals and publications required to support the
organization and maintain receipt and distribu-
tion control. You must also be responsible
for making sure changes and revisions are
incorporated to keep the publications current and
up to date. Once established, the majority of the
manuals and publications are placed on automatic
distribution to your activity.
There are many general use manuals, publica-
tions, and directives that are used by aviation
supply personnel to determine standard supply
operating procedures and to obtain management
data relative to material identification, material
requisitioning, and processing of repairable
components. The manuals and publications that
should be maintained in a technical library are
covered in the following paragraphs.
The Navy Comptroller (NAVCOMPT) Man-
ual provides policy, regulation, and procedures
within the area of primary support responsibility
and technical guidance of the Comptroller of the
Navy. There are 10 volumes of the NAVCOMPT
Manual. Volumes 2 and 3 are of primary concern
for the technical library.
Accounting Classification, volume 2. This
volume is a reference book that contains the
classification necessary to report the receipt and
expenditures of public funds in each of the three
phases of the Navy accounting system. It also
includes appropriation, cost, and property
Unit Identification Codes, volume 2, chapter
5. This chapter includes unit identification codes
(UICs) for all activities, ships, aviation units, and
other organizational components of the Navy.
This chapter is issued as a separate volume.
Appropriation, Cost, and Property Account-
ing, volume 3. This volume prescribes accounting
procedures in connection with appropriation,
cost, and property accounting for field activities.
As a manual of the Navy accounting system, this