Navy Item Control Number to National
Item Identification Number File
The Navy Item Control Number (NICN) to
National Item Identification Number (NIIN) file
is designed as a cross-reference to assist in the
identification of those NICNs that have assigned
NSNs. This publication is distributed on micro-
fiche only and sequenced by the last nine digits
of the NICN. The NICNs are not included in the
Navy management data file (NMDF) nor are they
published by the DLSC in the ML-N. However,
a separate history file containing the NICN to
NIIN cross-reference is maintained at the FMSO.
Navy Stock List of
Publications and Forms
The Navy Stock List of Publications and
Forms, NAVSUP P-2002, is published by
the Naval Publications and Forms Center,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This publication
contains requisitioning procedures and sources of
supply to assist in the determination of how and
where cognizance symbol I material may be
Storage and Materials-Handling Manual
The Storage and Materials-Handling Manual,
NAVSUP P-284, establishes uniform methods
and standards for storage and materials-handling
applicable to the military services. It consolidates
technical and detailed information available to the
military services on the subject of storage and
materials-handling operations involved in the
receipt, storage, issue, and care of supplies except
for preservation, packaging, and packing. The
Navy Supplement, NAVSUP P-284-1, expands on
certain of the above subjects and prescribes
specific policy or procedures not eligible for joint
publication affecting other services.
NAVSUP P-409, serves as a handy reference for
personnel responsible for originating and process-
ing MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP documents. This
desk top booklet contains those common defini-
tions, coding structures, and abbreviated code
definitions used on a day-to-day basis. Blank
space is provided for entering commonly used
routing identifier, fund, project, and locally
assigned codes.
The Military Standard Requisitioning and
Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) and the Military
Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting
Procedures (MILSTRAP), NAVSUP P-437,
publication establishes policy and procedures
relative to MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP. The
provisions of this publication take precedence over
conflicting provisions contained in other supply
system manuals or directives. It consists of 11
chapters and several appendixes and exhibits. This
publication covers MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP
relative to supply system management, requisi-
tioning ashore, inventory control, financial
matters, and material movement. It serves as a
ready reference for personnel involved in prepara-
tion/processing of MILSTRIP documents.
Supply Afloat Packaging
The Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures,
NAVSUP P-484, provides a simple do-it-yourself
guide to assist naval supply activities both ashore
and afloat that have limited packaging facilities
in the accomplishment of basic packaging
techniques that will adequately protect the transfer
of material and retrograde shipments of repairable
Afloat Supply Procedures
The Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP
P-485, establishes policies for the operation and
management of afloat supply departments and
activities operating under afloat procedures. It is
designed to assist supply personnel in the proper
performance of their assigned duties and to aid
them in understanding and performing their
individual tasks associated with afloat supply
operations. Although this publication is designed
primarily for nonautomated ships (ships that use
manual supply procedures), much of the infor-
mation and policy it contains is applicable to all
afloat supply departments including those that are
automated. The procedures contained in this
publication are minimum procedures that are
essential to acceptable supply management and
are mandatory unless specifically stated as being
optional. It encompasses the procedures as out-
lined in the NAVSUP P-437 as they apply to
afloat situations.