Indirect delivery. When blocks 13 and 14
indicate that the material and the invoice will be
sent to an ashore activity for transshipment to an
afloat activity, the supporting ashore activity
performs the technical inspection and confirms
acceptance of the material. In this case, receiving
personnel need only verify the quantity of material
received (fig. 3-7).
Customer pickup. The procedure for obtaining
material on a DD Form 1155 often involves a cus-
tomer pickup when the ordering department goes
directly to the vendor to obtain material. The supply
officer must establish local procedures to make
sure all material is picked up and the DD Form
1155 copy is removed from the bearer suspense
file and processed through the receiving section.
Advance notification. The ordering activity
receives advance notice for each DD Form 1155
purchase placed by another activity in response
to a requisition. The advance package includes a
copy of the DD Form 1155 and a preaddressed
card entitled Report of Nonreceipt, Damage, or
Report of nonreceipt, damage, or noncon-
formance. When material received under contract
on a DD Form 1155 is damaged in shipment, not
received within 60 days of the specified delivery
date, or not technically acceptable (direct
shipments only), the ordering activity completes
and returns the report of nonreceipt, damage, or
nonconformance document (fig. 3-8) received
with the advance DD Form 1155 copy. Receiving
personnel should then notify the procurement
section to begin new procurement action if
Material Inspection and Receiving Report,
DD Form 250
The Material Inspection and Receiving
Report, DD Form 250, is used to verify material
Figure 3-8.-Report of nonreceipt, damage, or nonconformance.