Material discrepancies are divided into two
categories. The first category includes discrepancies
such as overages, shortages, damages, incorrect,
or not-received material. These discrepancies are
normally caused by the activity that shipped the
material or by the transportation system.
The second category includes material quality
discrepancies. Material received in this category
cannot be used for its intended purpose because
it does not meet specified (form, fit, or function)
requirements. These discrepancies are caused by
manufacturing or repair facility or, in some cases,
incorrect specifications.
Shipping Discrepancies
Shipping discrepancies attributable to or the
responsibility of the activity shipping the material
(including contractors, manufacturers, or vendors)
are reported by the receiving activity on a Report
of Discrepancy (ROD), Standard Form 364.
For shipments received from DOD activities,
GSA supply distribution facilities, contractors,
and manufacturers, a ROD is prepared to report
materials with one or more of the following
. Shortages or overages valued in excess of
0 per line item, except classified or protected
items that are reported regardless of the dollar
value. Shortages or overages valued at 0 or less
and reported shortages that were not credited or
replaced by the consignor are processed as an
original receipt.
. Erroneous material, unacceptable
substitutes, or duplicate shipments regardless of
dollar value. An exception to this is erroneously
issued material that can be readily reconciled with
a local supply activity.
l Material received from a previously can-
celed requisition for which a copy of the confir-
mation of cancellation is required and the line item
is in excess of 0.
. DOD shipments (line item value in excess
of 0) when the condition of the item is found
to be other than that shown on the shipping
. Material with a line item value in excess
of 0 with an expired shelf life.
. Material shipped to the wrong activity,
regardless of value.
. Material with item technical data markings
that are missing or incomplete.
. Material with supply documentation that
is missing or improperly prepared, regardless of
dollar value.
. Items with a line item value in excess of
0 that were reported shipped by parcel post
but not received or received in a damaged
. Repair material received that has been
stripped of parts or components without inventory
manager authorization, regardless of dollar value.
l Material with repetitive discrepancies
observed, regardless of dollar value.
Discrepancies excluded from the reporting
procedure described above are as follows:
Discrepancies found while material was in
Discrepancies involving local base or
station deliveries to or return from internal
satellite activities.
Discrepancies involving shipments of
privately owned vehicles.
Shipping-type discrepancies involving
personal property shipments.
Product quality deficiencies.
Transportation-type discrepancies covered
by NAVSUPINST 4610.33.
Discrepancies resulting from UNREP.
Packaging Discrepancies
A discrepancy report must be made on the
following packaging discrepancies:
. Unsatisfactory conditions resulting from
improper packaging that cause or render the item,
shipment, or package vulnerable to loss, delay,
or damage when the estimated or actual cost of
correction exceeds . This may include loss or
damage to the item, shipment, or package except
when the report is otherwise required as prescribed
in NAVSUPINST 4610.33.
. Packaging-related discrepancies, resulting
in damaged material that may endanger life,
impair combat or deployed operations, or affect
other material. These types of discrepancies must
be reported immediately to the shipping activity,
contracting office, and control point by the fastest
communication medium to enable the shipper to