P R O C E S S I N G S Y S T E M - R E A L T I ME
(SUADPS-RT)Refers to the entire group of
supply and financial computer programs that use the
SNAP I system.
STANDARD PRICEThe price charged to a
customer for a DLR when there is no NRFI turn-in.
STOCKING ACTIVITYA facility within the supply
system that performs receiving, storing, and issuing
of materials.
STOWAGEThe act of physically storing material
properly so that it is protected from loss or damage,
as well as making sure that it will not cause any
hazard to the ship or its crew.
SUBSTITUTE ITEMAn item authorized for
one-time use in place of another item, based on a
specific application and request. Equivalent or
interchangeable items are not included in the term
substitute item.
SURVEYA procedure for determining the cause of
gain, lost, damaged, or destroyed Navy property,
establishing personal responsibility, and
documenting necessary inventory adjustments to
stock records.
WHOLESALE INVENTORYMaterial over which
the designated wholesale inventory manager
(ASO/SPCC) has asset visibility and exercises
unrestricted asset control.