Chapter 8
Financial Management of Resources, Operating Procedures (Operating Forces),
NAVSO P-3013-2, Department of the Navy, Office of the Comptroller,
Washington, D.C., October 1990.
Operating Procedures Manual MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP, NAVSUP P-437, Naval
Supply Systems Command, Arlington, Virginia, June 1993.
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Vol. 2,
Chapter 6, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., March
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Vol. 3,
Chapters 8 and 13, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.,
March 1993.
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Vol. 5,
Chapter 6 and Appendices A through R, Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, D.C., March 1993.
Chapter 9
Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System, Data
Requirements Documents for IMA/SSC, NAVMASSO Document No. J-004,
RD-001B, Navy Management Systems Support Office, Chesapeake, Virginia,
March 1990 (Baseline date).
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2E, Vol. 3,
Chapter 14, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., March
Chapter 10
Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, Naval Supply Systems Command,
Arlington, Virginia, March 1993.
Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-567, Naval Supply Systems
Command, Arlington, Virginia, March 1993.
Depot Level Repairable Requisitioning, Turn-in, and Carcass Tracking Guide,
NAVSUP P-545, Naval Supply Systems Command, Arlington, Virginia,
February 1989 (Baseline date).