Record positions 1-14 normally contains the
document number assigned in record positions 30-43 of
the requisition. Shipments in MULTIPACK will contain
the document number of the requisition with the earliest
Record position 15 contains the suffix code from
record position 44 of DD 1348-1. An X in this position
means there is no suffix code assigned.
Record position 16 contains the partial shipment
Record position 17 contains the split shipment code.
The partial and split shipment codes indicate
whether or not a shipment unit is separated into
increments. These codes also identify the specific
increments of shipments up to the 23rd increment. The
24th and each later increment will use another TCN.
Refer to DOD 4500.32-R, MILSTAMP, for additional
information on these codes. The following codes are
those commonly seen by the AK.
Code Shipment Increment
Complete shipment
1st increment of a partial or split shipment
2d increment or piece
3d increment or piece
The following are examples of partial and split
shipment codes assigned for surface movement.
The From line contains the name and address of the
transferring activity, This will have the DOD activity
address code (DODAAC) of the activity.
The To line contains the name and address of the
consignee using the DODAAC assigned.
The fourth line will contain the project code and
required delivery date, when required.
The fifth line contains the weight and cube of the
The sixth line contains the piece number and the
Material shipments that originated from DOD
activity uses the DD Form 1387, Military Shipment
Label. The information on this label may be typed,
printed, or bar coded. The DD Form 1387 maybe pasted
on the material or attached to a shipping tag. The
MILSTAMP, DOD 4500.32-R, volume 1, specifies the
instructions for and format of the DD Form 1387. See
figure 5-15 for a sample bar-coded DD Form 1387. The
following paragraphs describe the information on each
block of the form.
Data block 1 contains the 17-character TCN, either
bar coded or printed in clear text. For MULTIPACK
shipment, the lead TCN will be in this block.
Data block 2 contains the postage data. This field is
used for mail shipments only. All others will be blank.
Data block 3 contains the DODAAC address of the
shipping activity.
Data block 4 contains type of shipment service. This
field may have Air Express, Blue Label, Overnight
total pieces.
Example address markings: