The Provisioning branch of ILS performs several
functions for getting the material or stock. Included in
the item selection functions are the following
. Assigns Source, Maintenance and Recover-
ability (SM&R) codes according to applicable
l Determines demilitarization codes
. Assigns items for inclusion to the Aircraft
Requirements Register (ARR)
The Cataloging branch of ILS is responsible for
item identification/classification and National Stock
Number (NSN) assignment. This branch assigns the
Federal Supply Class (FSC) to all new items added in
the data base. It also gets the Commercial And
Government Entity (CAGE) code for each item of
supply. It prepares item description packages for
submission to the Defense Logistics Services Center
(DLSC), who assigns the NSN for the items. This branch
also maintains ASO cataloging data, such as additions,
deletions, and changes.
The NSN assignment functions of the Cataloging
branch include processing requests for emergency NSN
and NATO stock numbers. It maintains the system for
tracking the requests and provides status to customers.
This branch operates the Maximum Interchange of the
Latest Logistical Information Essential (MILLIE) status
file for ASO customers.
The Technical Policy and Analysis Branch serves as
point of contact for policy and procedures concerning
technical information. Some of this branchs functions
include developing and implementing policy and
procedures for the DOD Demilitarization Program
within ASO It is also responsible for identifying
consumable and field-level repairable (FLR) items.
This branch also develops and implements ASO
policies and procedures for the material management of
interservice used repairable items. It acts as interservice
supply support coordinator (ISSC) for NAVAIR It also
acts as stock coordinator for NAVAIR-managed
inventories. It is responsible for reviewing items
managed by NAVAIR annually to identify those items
that may be transferred to an inventory control point.
The Naval Publications and Forms Directorate of
ASO is responsible for the inventory management of
Navy forms and publications. It is responsible for
determining requirements, processing requisitions,
cataloging, and distributing forms
performs the initial distribution
and publications. It
of publications to
activities listed in the Standard Navy Distribution List.
The Naval Publications and Forms Directorate have
three divisions. The y are the COG-I Support division,
Physical Distribution division, and Systems Integrity
division. The COG-I Support division has three
branches. They are the Publications and Directives
branch, Forms branch, and Customer Service branch.
The Publications and Directives branch is responsible
for cataloging Navy publications and directives. It
coordinates with the assigned sponsors of each
publication and directive before printing of material.
The Forms branch manages and controls stock funded
Navy forms. The Customer Service branch receives and
processes requisitions from requiring activities.
Ships Parts Control Center
The Ships Parts Control Center SPCC is the
inventory control point ICP for ship equipment and
spare parts. It is responsible for distributing change
notices and processing Quality Deficient Reports
(QDRs). SPCC is also responsible for distributing the
naval logistics library (NLL). Some items under
management by SPCC are common to aviation
maintenance. These items include depot-level
repairable (DLR), electronic material. When ordering or
shipping items managed by SPCC you must follow the
processing procedure set by SPCC.
The Fleet and Industrial Supply Center (FISC)
replaced the Naval Supply Center (NSC) and Depot
(NSD) organizations. The FISCs are echelon 3
commands and report to COMNAVSUPSYSCOM. The
FISCs provide various logistics support to the fleet,
shore activities, and overseas bases.
General Information
The FISCs are known as stock points. They manage
consumer end-use material by determining inventory
levels, procuring, receiving, storing, issuing, and
shipping material to customers. There are three FISCs
located outside the Continental U.S. (CONUS). These
FISCs also manage and store the intermediate level and
Navy wholesale inventory for Navy Inventory Control
Points (ICPs) that directly support the fleet. Upon
receipt of requisitions, FISCs will either issue the
material, depending on the differing criteria, or refer the
requisition to the cognizant ICP. The stock points submit
transaction reports on material issue, transfer, or survey