of wholesale stock to the ICP. The ICP uses this report
to keep track of the inventory level and to determine
when to buy additional material. The FISCs also operate
Service Mart (SERVMART) as a retail outlet for high
usage, consumable items. Customers can use the
SERVMART on a walk-in basis and buy material with
a money value only document. Refer to NAVSUP P-485
and NAVSUP P-567 for additional information about
Although very few Aviation Storekeepers have the
opportunity to work in FISCs, you must understand its
basic organization. They are the first line of support to
overseas bases and aircraft carriers. They provide the
bulk of aviation and general supplies. The following
paragraphs describe the part of a FISC organization that
you should be familiar with. They are your point of
contact for material and service requirements.
Department Providing Customer Service
To an AK, the most important parts of an FISC
organization are the ones that provide services to
customers. The following paragraphs discuss the FISC
The Inventory Control Department maintains stock
levels and stock records. It processes and provides the
status on supply documents that are not processed
through the automatic data processing system. The
Requirements division determines the stock material
requirements and the channels of getting the material for
stock. The Customer Services division is the initial point
of contact for the fleet and shore customers on material
and service requirements. It maintains customer service
information and procedures for requisitioning,
follow-up, and cancellation, including turn-in of
repairable items.
The FISCs with regional contracting functions are
responsible for centralized buying and other
purchase-related functions assigned by NAVSUP
SYSCOM. When assigned, the Purchase Department or
Contracting Department processes the request for
purchase for the FISC. It reviews purchase requests and
determines the method of purchase for the material or
service. It is also responsible for providing professional
contracting guidance to afloat units when requested by
the cognizant fleet or type commander. Material bought
from purchase are those not available in the supply
system. The method of getting these materials from
civilian vendors is commonly known as open
purchase. The contracting department makes contracts
for material and services from authorized civilian
vendors and contractors. The NAVSUPINST 4200.81
through 4200.86 provides contracting guidance and
instructions to all contracting activities.
The Material Department maintains and operates
storage facilities. It stores stock material and issues
material when requested by the customer. Its packing
and preservation division preserves, packs, and marks
material for shipment.
The Fuel Department conducts the receiving,
issuing, and inventory operations of fuels. Its
responsibilities include local deliveries of fuels to other
naval activities within the area.
Most Aviation Storekeepers fill billets in the supply
department, either ashore or on ship. The basic functions
and responsibilities of the supply department both
ashore or afloat are the same. Basic functions include
warehousing, distribution, and control of material
required by the activity. The NAVSUP P-485, Afloat
Supply Procedures, and NAVSUP Publication 1,
volume 2, Supply Ashore, publications describe supply
procedures afloat and ashore, respectively. Refer to
these publications for additional information on the
topics discussed in this chapter. Figure 1-4 illustrates the
standard organization for supply departments.
The Navy supply department of an ashore activity
is an integral part of the organization. The purpose of a
supply department is to provide warehousing, control
stock, and distribute material in support of the activity.
It also provides administrative functions not provided
by the activity. When authorized by NAVSUP, the
supply department provides enlisted dining facility
services in their area. The following paragraphs describe
the responsibilities of each level of the supply
(ASHORE). The supply officer is responsible for all
supply functions of the activity. The assistant supply
officer is responsible for maintaining the general
efficiency of the work of the department. The assistant
supply officer performs the duties of the supply officer
during the supply officers absence.
PLANNING DIVISION. The Planning division
performs planning functions not performed by higher