Report this immediately to the shipping activity,
contracting office, and control point by the quickest
means. Mail the formalized SF 364 within 24 hours of
the initial report.
Submit the report for improper identification of
containers or items that require opening the container.
Improper identification results in improper storage of
material, regardless of cost.
Submit the report for any packaging discrepancy,
regardless of cost, involving hazardous material. This
includes improper identification marking of items,
regardless of whether damage or other unsatisfactory
conditions exist.
Submit the report for excessive packaging by con-
tractors that results in additional rests to the Government.
Forms Used for Reporting Discrepancies
Report Item and packaging discrepancies on a
Standard Form 364, Report Of Discrepancy (ROD).
Prepare the form in original and as many copies as
required by NAVSUPINST 4440.179 (series) for
distribution. See figure 5-18 for a sample Standard Form
Receiving or transshipping activities must submit
the Standard Form 364 (ROD) within the time
standards. When extenuating circumstances prevent
submission of the ROD within the time frame, enter the
reason for delay in block 12 of the ROD. The time frame
for submitting the ROD is 150 days for Navy shipments
(issues). The time frame for non-Navy shipments are 75
calendar days from shipment date for CONUS and 150
calendar days from shipment date for overseas. The time
frame for lost parcel post shipments from Government
activities is 45 calendar days from shipment date. The
time frame for lost parcel post shipments from
commercial sources is 90 calendar days from date of
Action activities must reply to customers within 45
days after receipt of the ROD. They should provide
resolution of the discrepancy or interim status. They also
need to inform the customer when they pass the ROD
to another activity for further action. To allow for
mailing each way, send the first follow-up to a ROD to
the action activity 60 days after the submission of the
original ROD. Send later follow-ups at 30-day intervals.
Follow-up action is the responsibility of the activity that
submitted the ROD.
The following text provides information on how to
fill out and prepare the ROD. Show shipping or
packaging discrepancy, or both, by placing an X in the
proper box at the top of the form. Mark mailing
envelopes with Standard Form 364.
Date of Preparation. The report is prepared
in sequence of year, month, and day; for
example, September 22, 1993 is written 93
SEP 22.
Report Number. Enter the serial number of
the report in this block. For example, for the
fifth report of the calendar year, enter
To. Enter name, address, ZIP Code, activity
address code or routing identifier code, and
attention symbol or code of action activity.
Enter See item 15 when reporting both
shipping and packaging discrepancies for
the same item.
From. Name, address, and ZIP Code of the
reporting activity (consignee).
Shippers Name. Enter the name and
address of the shipper (consignor) when it
is different from item 3.
Number and Date of Invoice. Enter number
and date of vendors invoice or shippers
bill number. Attach a copy of invoice to the
Standard Form 364 (not applicable to
packaging discrepancies).
Transportation Document. Enter the type of
transportation document and the identifying
number assigned to such document in this
block. The document may be a GBL,
commercial bill of lading (CBL), manifest,
or waybill. The document may also be an
ensured or certified parcel post number, or
Transportation Control and Movement
Document (TCMD). This is a mandatory
entry when the shipment received was made
via a traceable means. In addition, for
shipment-type discrepancies, the following
statement should be included in block 12:
Shortage has been verified as not being
transportation related.
Shippers Number. Enter shipment number
(when more than one shipment is under a
contract or requisition) and contract or
document number.
Office Administering Contract. Enter name,
address, and ZIP Code of the contract
administration office (CAO) activity that
directed or arranged the shipment.