Requisition Modifier Preparation
The requisition modifier must be prepared by using
document identifier AM series and all prescribed
information for a requisition. The following chart lists
the information that can be changed from the original
requisition by submitting a modifier.
Record Position
Data Element
Media and status code
Supplementary address
Signal code
Fund code
Distribution code
Project code
Required delivery date
Advice code
Requisition Modifier Documents
The activity initiating the requisition modifier is
responsible for notifying other interested activities of
such action. The requisition modifier must be submitted
to the last known source holding the requisition. Most
of the data elements in the requisition modifier will be
the same as in the original requisition or latest status
record. The following paragraphs describe the format of
a requisition modifier.
Use record position 1-3 for entering the document
identifier in the AM series.
Use record position 4-6 for entering the routing
identifier of the activity to receive the request.
Use other record positions applicable to the data that
can be changed to modify one or more data elements. If
an element is not being modified, enter the origional data.
Shipment Tracing
A requisition can remain outstanding due to non
receipt of material even though a shipment status was
provided. When material is not received after the normal
transit time, you can submit a shipment tracer request.
The following paragraphs describes the procedures and
references for submitting shipment tracers.
The DOD Regulation 4500.32R, MILSTAMP,
contains the procedures, formats, and address data for
tracing shipments in the Defense Transportation System
(DTS). Refer to this reference for surface, Logistics Air
(LOGAIR), and QUICKTRANS shipments within the
DTS. Requests should be turned over to the local
transportation officer for tracing according to
An alphabetic B in record position 68 of a shipment
status identifies air and surface domestic freight
shipments with a final destination at a CONUS activity.
The Joint Military Travel Management Regulation,
describes procedures for tracing shipments in these
modes. Refer to chapter 220, section 11, of this
regulation concerning this subject.
An R, I, or C in record position 68 of a shipment
status identifies registered, insured, and certified mail or
parcel post shipments. These involve material
shipments to CONUS or overseas activities. You may
use the format for document identifier AFT when
requesting a shipment tracer for the material shipped in
these modes. Refer to Appendix B1 of NAVSUP P-437
for the format of AFT documents. The information
needed to prepare an AFT document is the same as in
the AS or AU series except for the document and routing
identifier codes. The AFT document should be
submitted no earlier than 10 days and no later than 60
days after the date of shipment in the status document.
When a shipment status is received, do not send the
follow-up actions by using the document identifiers in
the AF and AT series. These actions will result only in
receipt of another shipment status document with the
same information.
Cancellation of Requisitions
Under normal circumstances, cancellation requests
represent a discontinued need for specific items and
quantities. The requisitioner, supplementary addressee,
or authorized activity may prepare a cancellation of
requisitions. Cancellation requests can be submitted as
a single-line transaction or by a message that contains
one or more transactions. Submit a cancellation request
to the last holding activity; use the format in Appendix
B1 of NAVSUP P-437
The single-line item cancellation request will not be
submitted when CONUS activities receive a notice
advising that shipment from a contractor or a depot has
occurred. The cancellation request will not be submitted
when an overseas activity receives a shipment status
under the following conditions: