The line item value is less than 0.00.
The material was shipped by air mail or parcel
The material was shipped more than 10 days ago
by air to the aerial port of embarkation (APOE)
or 45 days ago by surface to the water port of
embarkation (WPOE).
Confirmed cancellations for requisitions with
Status code BV may result in billing for transportation
charges or contract termination cost.
When canceling a requisition, the funds should not
be deobligated until receipt of a confirmed cancellation
from the supply source.
Because of the different automated capabilities of
Navy activities, maintenance of material outstanding
files will vary by local capabilities. The following
paragraphs will provide the guidance you need for
maintaining material outstanding files. It applies to you
whether you are using paper copies or computer records.
The requisition record will be maintained in date
order by document number sequence. Material receipts
and status must be promptly processed to the requisition
When a supply source rejects a requisition for
incorrect entry, remove the original requisition from the
file for research and resolution of errors. The Status code
for rejected requisitions will be in record positions 65-66
of the document. The DAAS also may reject erroneous
requisitions when that activitys programs cannot read
the document. Refer to chapter 11 of NAVSUP P-437
for DAAS processing procedures. The rejected
requisition must be researched to determine the error
involved. After correcting the error, the requirement
must be submitted with a new document number.
After receiving a status that an item has been back
ordered by a supply source, move the document to the
back order file. This file must be in document number
sequence. The requisitions in this file require an ongoing
review. As the requisition remains on back order or
becomes aged, two conditions may occur. The changing
requirements may dictate the item is no longer needed
and should be canceled. The other condition is that the
requisition will become subject to the cyclic material
obligation validation (MOV) process.
The internal review program provides a process of
reviewing requisitions regularly. This is done by
comparing outstanding requisitions to known
requirements. Some of the known requirements include
authorized allowance and high-limit. After the review
process, submit cancellation requests for those
requisitions that are no longer required.
A material obligation is the untilled quantity of an
outstanding requisition, and it is recorded as a
commitment against stock or vendors. The material
obligation validation (MOV) pertains to those items
requisitioned to which status codes BB, BC, BV, and BZ
apply. The supply source sends the MOV requests to the
requisitioner on a cyclic basis. These requests, from the
supply source to requisitioner, is to compare the records
and confirm the continued requirement held as material
obligations. The requisitioner replies to MOV requests
to advise them to hold the material obligation until
supplied or cancel all or portion of the material
Material obligations are considered overaged and
subject to MOV for priority designators 01 through 08
that have been outstanding for more than 30 days. These
include priorities 09 through 15 requisitions that have
been outstanding more than 75 days. A special validation
is the type of MOV that may be ordered without regard
to the age of the material obligations involved. The
special validation is discussed later in this chapter.
The annual schedule of cyclic validations includes
the cycle number, cutoff date for requests, and the
ending date for replies. For cycle 1, the cutoff date for
supply sources to prepare and forward requests to
customers is January 20. Replies from the requisitioner
are due back to supply sources by March 5. The cycle 2
cutoff date for supply sources is April 20, and the reply