Figure 6-2.-Forklift truck.material-handling equipment, use a forklift truck at eachend of the haul for loading, unloading, and stacking.This will make the operation faster and easier. Figure6-2 shows a 6,000-pound forklift truck.TRACTOR-TRAILER TRAINSThe tractor-trailer train (fig. 6-3) is a system thatconsists of a self-propelled power unit connected to aseries of trailers. There are various types of tractors usedfor pulling the trailers. Tractor-trailer trains can haulheavier tonnage than carrier-type trucks of equalhorsepower capacity. They can pull trains up to the totaldrawbar pull of the tractor. The number of trailers onetractor can continuously pull depends upon the lengthof haul, nature of material, and weight of the load of eachtrailer. Under normal conditions, one tractor should beable to operate with three sets of trailers. One set oftrailers for loading, pulling a second set underway, anda third set unloading. Tractor-trailer trains are effectivefor hauling loads between 400 feet to 1 mile.WAREHOUSE TRACTORSA warehouse tractor is an electric- or gasoline-powered vehicle designed to pull a train of warehousetrailers. The gasoline-powered models used in the Navyhave pneumatic tires and a rated drawbar pull of 4,000to 7,500 pounds. Electric-powered models commonlyused in the Navy have solid rubber tires and a rateddrawbar pull of 2,000 or 4,000 pounds. The drawbarpull, the motive force that a tractor can exert in pushingor pulling loads, is merely a means of saying tractorcapability. The actual capacity of the tractor is normallyfar more than the drawbar-pull rating. For example, aFigure 6-3.-Tractor-trailer train.Figure 6-4.-Warehouse tractor.tractor with a drawbar pull of 4,000 pounds may havean actual towing capacity of 90 tons.Five different models of tractors was adopted asstandard for the military services. The 2,000-pound,drawbar-pull, electric-powered warehouse tractor hassolid rubber tires. It is a light-duty tractor for operationin warehouses and other closed storage areas.The 4,000-pound, drawbar-pull, electric-poweredwarehouse tractor (fig. 6-4) has solid rubber tires. It isthe standard heavy-duty tractor for indoor warehousingoperations. This type of tractor is used in a similarmanner and for the same purposes as the light-duty,2,000-pound model.6-11
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