Figure 6-16.-(View A) General-purpose dolly (View B) pallet-
rollers dolly; (View C) reefer-car dolly.
shifting heavy loads for short distances. Figure 6-16
shows the three common types of dollies used by the
The general-purpose dolly (fig. 6-16, view A) is
used to move unpalletized large, bulky, or heavy
material over short distances.
The pallet-rollers dolly (fig. 6-16, view B) has a
capacity of 4,000 pounds. The purpose of the
pallet-rollers dolly is to move palletized loads in and out
of boxcars, trucks, trailers, and storerooms.
The reefer-car dolly (fig. 6-16, view C) is easy to
maneuver, and is suitable for use on truck and reefer
floors. The 24 wheels in the central position are slightly
lower than the wheels at the ends. The springs hold the
end wheels in position to allow the wheels to move on
their axles while guiding the load to its destination.
This section provides information about general
industrial and operational safety for storage and
handling of material. This information is based in part
from DOD4145. 19-R-1. The Navy Occupational Safety
and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual,
OPNAVINST 5100.23, addresses the maintenance of
safe and healthful conditions in the workplace. Check
with your activitys safety program manager for specific
safety requirements in your command.
Manpower is the number one resource in the Navy.
Accidents involving personnel directly affect
productive man-hours and planned schedules. It takes
time to recover man-hours lost because of accidents.
Replacement personnel, or required skills, are not
readily available.
When an accident causes destruction of material, it
cost dollars to make necessary repairs or replacement.
This can also result in a delay in production and possible
shortage of critical material.
Personnel must be given the proper safety training
associated with their daily work. Safety training will
reduce the potential for accidents.
Knowledge of Hazardous Material
Certain items, such as explosives, flammable
material, and chemicals, require more care and attention
than other items. Personnel handling hazardous material
must have a knowledge of all potential hazards of the
commodities under their control. Refer to the DOD
Hazardous Materials Information System Procedures
(HMIS), DOD 6050.5-M, for additional information.
The DOD 6050.5-M also describes the DOD 6050.5-L
and DOD 6050.5-LR in microfiche format. The DOD
6050.5-LR is the complete annual and quarterly output
by the system. It is intended for use by safety, health,
transportation, and disposal specialists to ensure
regulations of OSHA are followed. The DOD 6050, 5-L
consist of the same data elements as DOD 6050.5-LR,
minus the restricted data elements. The HMIS is also
available in compact disk (CD) format. Both versions
are issued quarterly. The latest version will continuously
supersede the previous version.