If less than the requested quantity is issued, the
storage branch returns copy 2 to stock control. The stock
control branch refers the requisition to the stock point
for the remaining quantity and sends copy 2 to the issue
control branch for filing. Stock control sends a copy of
the referred requisition to the requesting activity.
When the requested quantity is not available and
stock control refers the requisition to another naval
activity, a suspense file will be maintained in the receipt
control branch.
A supply department that does not carry A-purpose
code stock processes requisitions through the customer
service branch. The functions of the customer service
branch include screening the requisitions for authority
and format and maintaining a suspense file. Customer
service retains copies of the requisition for file and refers
the requisition to the supporting stock point.
Activities with automated systems can transfer data
to other parts of the organization by electronic means.
The computer system can send requisitions, received
electronically, direct to the storage area. The requisitions
received via the computer system goes through a
validation process first. Then, the computer program
allows processing of requisitions that passed the
validation process. In the validation process, the
computer system checks for mandatory entries and
correctness of data. Requisitions with errors will need
correction before the computer can continue processing.
Requisition Handling Precedence
The basis for internal handling of requisitions is the
assigned priority designator. By using the priority
designators, the requisitions are classified into three
separate groups. Material requests bearing priority
designators 01-03 are in issue group I. Issue group I is
given special handling or expeditious processing from
the receipt of requisition until delivery of material. Also,
issuing activities can process issue group I requisitions
Material requests bearing priority designators 04-08
are in issue group II. Material requests in this group
require identification or marking before sending them
to storage for issue. Handling of material requests in this
group may be issue on requisition basis, but not bearer
Material requests bearing priority designators 09-15
are in issue group III. Material requests in this group do
not need identification or marking, but are processed on
a first-in, first-out basis.
When a requisition contains a required delivery date
(RDD), process the requisition in the proper issue group
to meet the RDD. The assigned RDD can be earlier or
later than the SDD listed in the Uniform Material Move-
ment and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS). Refer to
OPNAVINST 4614.1 (series), UMMIPS, or NAVSUP
P-485, chapter 3, for additional information on RDD.
Table 7-1 is the NAMP Processing Standards for
requisitions submitted by squadrons and AIMD in
support of maintenance.
The processing time standards also apply to
furnishing requisition status. The elapsed time starts
when the customer places a requirement to the
supporting supply activity. The elapsed time stops upon
delivery of material or receipt of status by the customer.
If the requested material is not in stock (NIS) or not
carried (NC), the supply activity must give this
information to the customer.
The term requisition status means the action being
taken by the supply activity to file the requisition. Status
data refers to the information on the requisition status.
The media and status code of the requisition tells the
supply activity how and where to send the status.
Providing requisition status on time helps customers
decide about the job and material requirement
Local deliveries involve movement of material
within the supported area of the supply activity. Material
movement starts from the storage area and ends at the
assigned delivery point. During the delivery process,
material must have packaging protection to prevent
damage. By keeping material in the original container,
it will provide the desired protection. However, use of
cushioning material, such as bubble wrap, can reduce
shock and vibration during material movement. Refer
to NAVSUP Publication 484 for packaging procedures
Table 7-1.-NAMP Processing Standards