12-42.An overheated wheel brake assemblyshould be allowed to cool in theambient air for what prescribedamount of time?1.45 to 60 min2.35 to 45 min3.30 to 40 min4.15 to 25 min12-43.The independent brake systemreservoir leakage test isperformed by connecting a sourceof air to the filler port at whatprescribed pressure?1.25 psi2.30 psi3.35 psi4.50 psi12-44.To perform an operational test ona power brake valve, you must havea test stand capable of supplyingwhat minimum amount of hydraulicpressure?1500 psi2000 psi3000 psi4500 psi12-45.When you are performing anoperational test on a power/manualbrake valve, the hydraulic fluidmust be within what prescribedtemperature range?1.40° to 90°F2.55° to 100°F3.70° to 110°F4.85° to 130°F12-46.Before disassembling a masterbrake cylinder, what device shouldyou install on the end of thepiston rod to prevent personalinjury?A nutA clampA rig pinA spring compressor12-47.During the reassembly of a masterbrake cylinder, what type oflubricant should you apply to thesuspension rod end bearing?12-48.Excessive heating of a shuttlevalve is an indication of whatproblem?1.External leakage2.Internal leakage3.Defective emergencyaccumulator4.Excessive cycling of theemergency pump12-49.When performing a thermal cracktest on an automatic brakeadjuster valve, you should crackthe valve at what prescribedpressure range?1.12 to 17 psi2.20 to 29 psi3.30 to 37 psi4.41 to 45 psi12-50.After disassembling a brakeselector valve you should cleanthe parts in which of thefollowing substances?FreonHydraulic fluidAliphatic naphthaDry-cleaning solvent12-51.During a bench test, what is themaximum allowable torque requiredto rotate the swivel?1.30 in.-lb2.40 in.-lb3.50 in.-lb4.60 in.-lbIN ANSWERING QUESTION 12-52, REFER TOFIGURE 12-47 IN THE TEXTBOOK.12-52.When the brakes are released, whatcomponent prevents the piston fromreturning to its originalposition?1.The spring guide2.The adjusting pin3.The return spring4.The retaining ring12-53.The tapered grip method is used torestrict the movement of thecaptured torquing-type automaticadjuster?1.Oil2 .Wax3.Grease4.Hydraulic fluidTrueFalse64
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