12-9.Hydraulically actuated nosewheelsteering systems are controlled bywhich of the following methods?ManuallyElectrically onlyMechanically onlyElectrically or mechanically12-10.In a nosewheel steering system,what component generates anelectrical signal proportional tothe amount of rudder pedaldeflection?1.The feedback potentiometer2.The command potentiometer3.The steering transducer4.The steering amplifier12-11.You are performing an operationalcheck on the nosewheel steeringsystem with the nose gear turnedto 30° right of center.Whataction, if any, will occur whenyou extend the arresting gear?1.It will return to the centerposition2.It will move 1 inch right ofcenter3.It will move 1 inch left ofcenter4.None12-12.When adjusting the nosewheelsteering amplifier, which of thefollowing procedures should youperform?1.Operate the steering switch2.Insert rigging pin No. 1 intothe rudder pedal linkage3.Check to see that the gearcenters within 2° of centerindex mark4.Each of the above12-13.When the steering dampenerassembly of a mechanicallycontrolled nose steering system issent to the intermediate level ofmaintenance, which of thefollowing bench tests areperformed with the unit in neutralwhile the return leakage is beingmeasured?The no steer testThe output torque testThe stall leakage testThe steering resolution test12-14.During an aircraft landing geardrop check, what is the maximum(a) pressure and (b) gallons perminute of hydraulic fluid requiredto retract and lock the gear?(a) 1800 psi (b) 4 gpm(a) 2000 psi (b) 2 gpm(a) 2400 psi (b) 3 gpm(a) 3000 psi (b) 4 gpm12-15.When you are performing anemergency extension of the landinggear during a drop check, theforce required to push the mainlanding gear to the lockedposition at the axle hub shouldNOT exceed what maximum amount?50 lb20 lb30 lb40 lb12-16.A significant number of unsafe orhung landing gear discrepanciesare caused by which of thefollowing maintenance relatedproblems?1.Improper rigging only2.Improper adjustment oflinkages only3.Improper rigging or improperadjustment of linkages only4.Improper rigging, improperadjustment of linkages, orfactory defective parts12-17.You can release the nitrogenpressure from a shock strut bywhich of the following means?Removing the valve coreDepressing the valve coreTurning the valve swivel nutclockwiseTurning the valve swivel nutcounterclockwise12-18.When removing a shock strut froman aircraft, you should remove thewheel and brake assembly to reducethe weight and allow for easierhandling.TrueFalse12-19.To ensure complete compressionwhen deflating a typical shockstrut, you may need to performwhich of the following functions?Rock the aircraftHoist the aircraftLower the arresting gearBleed the landing gearaccumulator61
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