6-36.6-37.6-38.6-39.6-40.What is the first step you shouldtake if a leak appears in theswivel nut area of a hose assembly?1.Clean the swivel nut2.Check for contamination3.Replace the hose assembly4.Check that the swivel nut isproperly torquedWhich of the following problemsassociated with a hose assemblywould NOT be a reason forreplacement?1. A torn firesleeve2.A cracked chafe guard3.The lockwire is broken4.The protective weather coatingis worn, exposing the hoseYou should NOT use clamps withfuel-resistant cushioningunnecessarily for which of thefollowing reasons?1.The clamps have poor vibrationdampening2.The clamps cost more thanstandard clamps3.The cushioning material on theclamps deteriorates rapidlywhen exposed to air4.The cushioning material on theclamps lodges between the endtabs of a closed clampWhat is the first action you shouldtake prior to removing a hoseassembly?1. Remove the lockwire2.Remove the supporting clamps3.Protect the preformed areas ofthe hose4.Perform contamination controlproceduresWhich of the following fluidsshould you use when installinghydraulic hoses?1 MIL-H-5606 only2.MIL-H-81019 only3.MIL-H-83282 or MIL-H-5606 only4.MIL-H-5606, MIL-H-83282, orMIL-H-81019IN ANSWERING QUESTION 6-41, REFER TO TABLE5-8 IN THE TEXTBOOK.6-41.What is the minimum allowable bendradius for a -5 high-pressure,MIL-H-8788, rubber hose?6-42.When checking a hose assemblybraid, what is the maximumacceptable number of broken wiresyou can have per linear foot?1.6 wires2.7 wires3.8 wires4.9 wires6-43.Hose assemblies should be installedwith a slight bow to compensate forcontraction pressure on the line.1.True2.FalseIN ANSWERING QUESTION 6-44, REFER TO TABLE5-9 IN THE TEXTBOOK.6-44.What is the maximum torque for aNo. 10 aluminum swivel nut?1.260 in.-lb2.360 in.-lb3.500 in.-lb4.700 in.-lb6-45.Torque values for hose assemblieson specific aircraft can be foundin what publications?1.IPBs2. MIMs3.MRCs4.NATOPS6-46.You are applying the final torqueto a hose assembly.To preventrotation and scoring of thefitting’s sealing surface, youshould manually hold whatcomponent?1.The hose2.The fitting3.The jam nut4.The swivel nut6-47.To avoid abrasion and kinking whereflexing occurs, you should supportand secure hose assemblies withwhat items?1. Clamps2.Spot ties3.Shear wires4.Bundle ties6-48.What is the maximum shelf life ofbulk synthetic rubber hose from thecure date?1. 8 quarters2.16 quarters3.32 quarters4.64 quarters31
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