Figure 9-48.Alignment datawing twist check.
longitudinal reading, and the upper limit is
established by adding 0 degrees, 40 minutes to the
longitudinal reading taken in the auxiliary wheel well.
For example, if the longitudinal reading was 1 degree,
35 minutes, the lower limit would be 1 degree,
15 minutes, and the upper limit would be 2 degrees,
15 minutes. Figure 9-48 shows a wing twist check on
an aircraft. The wing clinometer readings must fall
within this range as well as within 0 degree,
12 minutes of each other (right- to left-hand wing
readings). This check, together with the steel tape
measurements taken when the wings are spread, is a
satisfactory check of wing bending and twisting. If
the clinometer readings and tape measurements arc
not within the tolerances specified, the aircraft must
be taken to a depot-level maintenance facility for a
complete inspection and final disposition.
NOTE: Although the following references were
current when this TRAMAN was published, their
continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore,
you need to be sure that you are studying the latest
General Manual for Structural Repair, NAVAIR
01-1A-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., 15 July 1969,
Change 11, 15 August 1989, Section II.