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General Use Cartridges and Cartridge-Actuated Devices (CADS) for Aircraft
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Cartridges and Cartridge-Actuated Devices (CADS) for Unique Aircraft
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Vol II, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.,
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NAVOSH Programs Manual for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19B,
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NAVAIROSH Requirements for the Shore Establishment, N A V A IR
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F/A-18 Seat, Canopy, Survival Equipment, and Boarding Ladder,
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F/A-18 Seat, Canopy, Survival Equipment, and Boarding Ladder,
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General Use Cartridges and Cartridge-Actuated Devices for Aircraft and
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Principles of Operation Environmental Control System, A1-F18AA-410-100,
Work Packages 008 00,012 00, and 013 00, Naval Air Systems Command,
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