JULIAN DATEThe year and numerical day
of the year identified by four numeric characters.
The first character indicates the year, and the
remaining three characters specify the day of the
year. For example, 3030 indicates the 30th day
of 1983.
KINKEDA twist or curl, as in cable, wire,
or tubing, caused by its doubling or bending upon
LOXLiquid oxygen.
LRULeg restraint unit.
MAINTENANCEThe function of retaining
material in or restoring it to a serviceable
MBEUMartin-Baker Ejection Unit (seat).
MIMMaintenance Instruction Manual.
MRCMaintenance Requirement Card.
MULTIMETERAn instrument used for
measuring resistance, voltage, or amperage.
NACESNaval aircrew escape system.
NADEPNaval Aviation Depot.
NATOPSNaval Air Training and Operating
Procedures Standardization.
Air Systems Command).
NFONaval flight officer.
NOMENCLATUREA system of names;
systematic naming.
NOTEAn operating procedure, condition,
etc., which, because of its importance, is essential
to highlight.
NSNNational stock number.
OPNAVOffice of the Chief of Naval
OXIDATIONThat process by which oxygen
unites with some other substance, causing rust or
PHYSIOLOGICALOf or pertaining to the
PRESSUREThe amount of force distri-
buted over each unit of area. Pressure is expressed
in pounds per square inch (psi). -
PSIPounds per square inch.
PSIAPounds per square inch absolute.
PSIGPounds per square inch gauge.
PSYCHOLOGICALPertaining to, or de-
rived from the mind or emotions.
RACRapid action change.
into a component to lock movable parts into a
safe, secure position.
SDLMStandard depot-level maintenance.
SESupport equipment. All the equipment
on the ground needed to support aircraft in a state
of readiness for flight. Formerly ground support
equipment (GSE).
SERVICINGThe filling of an aircraft with
consumables such as fuel, oil, and compressed
gases to predetermined levels, pressure, quantities,
or weights.
SJUSeat jettison unit.
SMDCShielded mild detonating cord.
SOLVENTA liquid that dissolves other
SPCCShips Parts Control Center.
TENSIONA force or pressure exerting a
pull or resistance.
TMType maintenance.
TORQUEA turning or twisting force.
TOXICHarmful, destructive, deadly; poi-