ABOAviators breathing oxygen.
ACMAir-cycle machine.
ACSAir-conditioning system.
ADCAir data computer.
AFCAirframes change.
AIMDAircraft intermediate maintenance
ALLOYA metal that is a mixture of two or
more metals.
AMBIENTSurrounding; adjacent to; next
to. For example, ambient conditions are physical
conditions of the immediate area such as ambient
temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure,
ANAir ForceNavy (standard or specifica-
ANOXIAA complete lack of oxygen in the
blood stream.
APUAuxiliary power unit.
BITBuilt-in tester.
BLEED AIRHot, high-pressure air, taken
from the compressor section of a jet engine.
BRUBarastatic release unit.
CADCartridge and cartridge-actuated
CAUTIONAn operating procedure,
practice, etc., that if not strictly observed
could result in damage to or destruction of
CCUComponent control unit.
CDICollateral duty inspector.
CELSIUSA temperature scale using 0 as the
freezing point of water and 100 as the boiling
point. The scale has 100 equal divisions between
the 0 and 100 with each division designated a
degree. A reading is usually written in an
abbreviated form; for example, 75°C. This scale
was formerly known as the centigrade scale, but
it was renamed in recognition of Anders Celsius,
the Swedish astronomer who devised the scale.
CF3BrThe chemical symbol for trifluoro-
CNOChief of Naval Operations.
CONTAMINANTAn impurity such as
harmful foreign matter in a fluid.
DODICDepartment of Defence Informa-
tion Code.
DTGDate-time group.
ECSEnvironmental control systems.
EIEngineering investigation.
FCDCFlexible confined detonating cord.
FLSCFlexible linear shaped charge.
GPMgallons per minute.
IMAIntermediate maintenance activity.
IMPInitiator multi-purpose.
IPBIllustrated parts breakdown.