manufactured from seamless steel. The tubes
contain solid propellant drilled lengthwise through
the center and having three equally spaced ribs
to provide rapid and even burning. A cross-shape
grid is positioned between the propellant and the
manifold to ensure that the gas generated can pass
unrestricted to the manifold. The cartridge tube
is internally threaded to accept a gas-operated
igniter cartridge incorporating twin firing pins and
twin primers. A lateral thrust motor with an
integral cartridge is screwed into the manifold at
the LH end (forward seat) or RH end (aft seat).
The efflux nozzles are fitted under the manifold
and are sealed at the inner end by flanged blow-
out discs, which cause a pressure build-up to
ensure rapid and even burning of the propellant
and an even thrust from the motor. Threaded
holes in the manifold end plugs and a steady
bracket clamped to the lateral thrust motor are
used to secure the motor under the seat bucket,
The threaded holes in the manifold end plugs vary
in size between forward and aft seats to ensure
location in the correct cockpit.
thrust motor (fig. 5-20) forms an integral part of
the main rocket motor, being screwed into the
manifold. An igniter cartridge is initiated by gas
pressure from the rocket motor propellant and
ignites the propellant in the lateral thrust motor
to permit a divergent trajectory to the ejected
ejection control handle (figs. 5-21 and 5-22) is
located on the front of the seat bucket. It is the
only means by which ejection can be initiated. The
handle is molded in the shape of a loop, and is
connected to the sears of the ejection seat
initiators. The seat initiators have two rigid lines
that connect to the trombone fittings. An upward
pull of the loop removes both sears from the dual
initiators to initiate ejection. Either initiator can
fire the seat. After ejection the handle remains
attached to the seat. The ejection control handle
is safetied by using the ejection seat safe/arm
handle and safety pin.
Figure 5-22.-Ejection control handle.