out in strict compliance with procedures
established to assure safety of flight and mission
This section establishes procedures and re-
quirements for the quality control of gaseous
oxygen that is stored, transferred, and used for
breathing purposes by aircrews. This section is
applicable to all personnel who are responsible for
supervising or performing the operations as-
sociated with and servicing of the aircraft with
aviators breathing oxygen.
Quality Control Requirements of
Gaseous Oxygen
The procurement limits for purity and con-
tamination, which include the absence of odor,
of aviators gaseous breathing oxygen must meet
the requirements of the current issue of MIL-
The on-station monitoring of aviators gaseous
breathing oxygen for contamination is performed
by a sniff odor test.
The odor test is very hazardous due to the
high pressure in the cylinder. Do not place
your face or nose directly into the venting
gas stream and do not take deep breaths.
Discontinue sniffing any gas at the first
indication of irritation of the nasal pas-
sages or at any sign of physical discomfort.
Some contaminants are extremely irritat-
ing, poisonous, or toxic, and can cause
physical injury. The odor test can only be
performed safely if the procedures are
followed exactly.
Persons temporarily unable to detect or
classify odors because of head colds, hay
fever, etc., must be excluded from the
assignment of inspecting for the presence
of odorous contaminants.
If an odor is detected, discontinue the
inspection process. When detected, an attempt
should be made to classify it, such as acrid,
sweet, rotten egg, glue like, etc., as this
will help in the identification of the source of the
Gaseous Oxygen Servicing Trailer
Gaseous oxygen servicing carts must be
sampled and tested whenever contamination is
suspected or after the completion of any
maintenance action performed on the cart. An
odor test must be conducted prior to servicing any
aircraft system. This is accomplished by opening
slightly the valve at the terminal end of the
recharging hose and smelling the escaping gas in
accordance with the procedures described in the
A6-332AO-GYD-000. If an odor is present, the
servicing cart will not be used to service the
aircraft. Each cylinder must be inspected for the
. Proper painting and marking.
l Valves are tightly closed and not leaking.
l Safety caps and safety plugs are secure.
. Hydrostatic test date is current.
. All valves, manifold, servicing hose, and
cylinders are clean and free of grease and oil. The
presence of any grease or oil on the valves or
cylinders must be reported to the maintenance
officer for necessary action, and the servicing cart
must be placed in a contaminated status.
Using high-pressure compressed air safely
requires knowledge and skills. Despite all the
safety programs and posters regarding this shop
hazard, reports of fatalities and serious injury
from this cause continue to accumulate.
High-pressure compressed air is provided from
one of three sources:
1. A portable high-pressure cylinder
2. A cascade-type servicing trailer equipped
with several cylinders
3. Direct service from a portable high-pressure
air compressor
Each of these sources is no less dangerous than
the precautions already discussed for handling
oxygen cylinders. Precautions apply generally as
well for the handling and stowage of compressed
air cylinders.
Do not fill any cylinder with a gas other than
that gas for which the cylinder has been
specifically designated. Explosive mixtures may